Chapter 2

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Leader: Fernstar- a brown tabby she cat with a white underbelly and paws. She has bright green eyes. Kits: Horsekit (tom), Sandkit (she cat) and Shrewkit (she cat)

Deputy: Grayfrost- a huge gray tabby tom with long thick fur and electric blue eyes.

Medicine cat: Swampfur- a brown and ginger tortoiseshell tom with dark green eyes.

Darkgorge- a dark gray long furred tom with amber eyes.

Yellowbird- a golden tabby furred she cat with white paws and dark eyes.

Ryepelt- a golden furred tom with longer fur and pointy ears. He has warm brown eyes.

Firfoot- a tortoiseshell she cat with brown paws and yellow eyes.

Shrikeclaw- a gray tabby tom with gold eyes.

Windwhisker- a gray furred tom with black stripes lashing out from his nose. He has yellow eyes.

Honeypaw- a black furred she cat with golden eyes, a pink nose, and a taste for honey. Mentor is Yellowbird. 6 moons.

Sorrelfoot- a plain gray she cat with emerald green eyes. Kits: Larkkit (she cat), and Sparrowkit (Tom)

Shinyflower- silver furred she cat with a single white patch that is shaped like a blossom. Her eyes are pale green. Expecting kits.

Horsekit- brown tabby tom with yellow eyes. 2 moons.

Sandkit- tan furred she cat with brown eyes. 2 moons.

Shewkit- light brown she cat with green eyes. 2 moons.

Larkkit- gray long furred tabby she cat with pale green eyes. Newborn.

Sparrowkit- gray tabby tom with dark blue eyes. Newborn.

Sunnystripe- a golden tabby tom who lost his sight and had to retire prematurely.

Gingertail- a tortoiseshell she cat with a bright ginger tail. She has worse hearing and is older.

Silverclaw- old silver tom with a thick ragged pelt.

Risingsun- a golden tabby tom. Retired deputy.


McNaire- a large black and white tabby tom with yellow eyes.

McCallistar- a black furred tom with yellow eyes.

Colette- a beautiful white she cat with bright blue eyes. Expecting kits.

Ruby- a ginger she cat with blue eyes. Expecting kits.

Opal- a golden tabby she cat with blue eyes. Kits: Messi, Wesley, Madala, and Rose

Messi- a golden furred tom.

Wesley- a black and white furred tom.

Madala- a golden tabby she cat.

Rose- a black she cat with white patches.

Sage- a dark golden tabby with pale green eyes. Kits: Maria and Ava

Maria- a dark furred tortoiseshell she cat.

Ava- a light tabby she cat.

Jocasta- a Russian blue she cat. Kits: Ned and Gretel

Ned- a young Russian blue tom, only a kitten.

Gretel- a young Russian blue she cat, only a kitten.


Racing through the fields, running under the sun, jumping from limb to limb, the she cat reveled in the joy her life once had. Joy like this, that only existed when she was free. Then, she awoke from the dream. Blinking groggily, she lifted her head.

"Wake up," the order came in a hiss before the cat disappeared. Alarmed, Sage looked around frantically. The many she cats around her were frantic, leaving their nests in the center of the barn, and splitting up, cowering against the barn walls.

No... No... Fox dung! She slept late, and no one warned her. Glancing at the kits beside her, she looked at the two, skinny for their age.

Her eyes flicked over to the side of the barn. Through the hole in the roof, no light of day was visible. It was night. Catching the sight of a ginger she cat, her eyes widened in recognition.

"Ruby!" She called out. The she cat whipped around to face her. Blue eyes widened with anxiety, and she frowned at the sight of Sage.

"What is it!"

"What's happening?"

"He is coming at dawn. We had a small tip-off, and everyone pounced. Hurry," Ruby advised before jumping back into work.

A strong burst of fear came over Sage, rising from her nest, she groaned at the soreness on her flank. Bruised and scabbing, her resistance was always retaliated. Beneath her, the kits wriggled at the sudden lack of warmth.

Leaving them, she shot across the barn, slipping next to another she cat. Examining the cracks of the barn, she could smell no trace of mice.

"Get away!" The she cat beside her snapped.

"I need a mouse.."

"We all do! Get away, dung!"

Hissing, Sage left and shot over to the next crack in the barn. Sniffing intently, she was determined to pull out any remanence of a mouse, a bug or any rodent. Soon, her efforts failed, for it was useless. The loud commotion, chatter and wails from kits sent any prey away.

"He is outside!" Jocasta shouted.

Collectively, the she cats all stopped their attempts. Racing to their nests, the she cats all sat up straight, as he preferred. Some rushed to make themselves presentable. Some were lucky enough to groom themselves and their kits earlier, and were able to sit calmly. Sage and her kits were not as lucky.

Tucking her she kits under her tail, she hushed them before gazing up at attention. Silence quickly fell over the barn like a hawk silenced its prey. Only the unmannerly kits squirmed and let out a few meows and cries.

Leering, the large tom slipped into the barn. Large and in charge, his black and white pelt was inherited by most of his offspring. His yellow eyes swept over the barn and the she cats, before he stepped inside.

As soon as he entered, his nose wrinkled at the smell. Beside him, was Jocasta, placed in charge of his barn and she cats. She stood toward the back of him, head lowered in submission.

McNaire. At first hear of his name, Sage thought it was strange and silly. Although she learned that all rogues are strange, she also came to learn that there is nothing silly about McNaire.

Walking down the makeshift aisle, he uttered no word. One by one, each she cat pushed forward any of the prey she had managed to collect for him. He would either bury the prey for the moon, or add them to his massive pile. Their contributions only secured the tom's position. By keeping him fed, their captor was fat and muscular.

When he came to Opal, one of the most senior she cats, she placed forth two mice, her head lowered in submission. Intrigued, he sat before her, watching her intently.

"You think flattery is acceptable," McNaire gritted through his teeth. Opal did not respond. Tightening her tail around her four frightened kits, she said nothing. "You are correct."

Looking up, he glanced at the other she cats. "Once again, Opal, the she cat of the Clans, has proven the correct way to serve!"

Frozen in fear, the other rogues closed their eyes at his words. Speculation and concern took place in all the she cat's minds. Will he act? Will he kill tonight?

"Opal, you shall be rewarded, in time."

Continuing his path, he did not stop again until he faced Sage. Before her, he saw no mouse. No contribution.

Crying rang through the barn, as McNaire pulled the two kits away. Releasing her tail from them, the kits fell forward. They fumbled blindly without their mother beside them, and the unfamiliar tension added a heavy anxiety. Eyes low, the mother of the two she cats was reluctant, yet uttered no word.

"How old are they?"

"Barely a two moons."

"Shut them up," the black and white tom spat, before taking the scruff of one of the she kits. Taking the kit to the side, he sat it down, inspecting it.

A dark Tortoiseshell she cat, the young kit was in contrast to her litter mate who was a bright tabby. At this, he grimaced.

"What did you name them?"

"That one is Maria. And the other is Ava..."

"Maria is leaving," he said coldly. McNaire placed the kit by Jocasta, and it only continued to cry.

"Will it be..."

"No. But you will, tomorrow's nightfall."

"McNaire," a she cat whispered beside Sage. At this, his eyes widened and he turned to the rogue.

White and pure, the new rogue was by no doubt, the prettiest rogue yet. However, the new rogue was pregnant, and suffering. He could not punish her for speaking out, but he was suddenly intrigued. "She gave me her prey, for I did not have anything..."

"You have only been present for two moons? Maybe less. Do not lie, to me." Colette shuddered at his tone and she nodded. Stepping back he inhaled before looking back to Sage. "Take care of Ava. When she is a moon, and we have another mother to nurse her, you will go to McCallistar. I am finished here. Give your prey to Colette, who will bring them to my den."

As Jocasta picked up Maria, McNaire led the way out of the barn. Blinking, it seemed surreal without Maria. Sage felt one pawstep closer to true herself. Gazing down at Ava, she was conflicted. If she raised Ava, the kit would be taken away anyway. McNaire had already made his choice. She was to be sent to McCallistar which meant she would spend another six moons, perhaps the rest of her life, in captivity.

"I am sorry, Sage," Colette whispered beside her.

"Sorry for what?" Sage asked plainly. "They are his kits. Not mine."

The bold statement took Colette by surprise, but she had other matters to be concerned by. Responsible for delivering the prey, if Colette failed, the consequences could be harsh.

Each she cat placed their mouse before her, only Opal had two. In the end, it was determined she would have to make ten trips for the many mice. Sighing, she picked up hers first, and set off. Outside the barn, a small dirt path led to a fallen shack. The makeshift shelter was home to McNaire and McCallistar. Brothers and rogues, the two governed the small area, and dictated the region. At some point, all she cats were brought to the edge of the twolegplace, where a farm used to reside.

Weary of their presence, she quickly set down the mouse beside the entrance. Before she could run back for more, a voice halted her.

"Colette," his gruff voice stopped her. She turned to face McNaire, but was careful not to look into his eyes. Stories had said how he killed a she cat for rising to his level and viewing herself as equal.

"Yes," she replied.

"When are the kits due?"

"Soon," she answered. Her belly was heavy and visibly swollen. Any moment, she could give birth. After that, any moment, they could be taken away.

"I look forward to seeing them," McNaire said. "It was right of you, to try to save Sage's kit. You will make a good mother, here. But in the future, do not spark such defense for another cat's failures."

"Yes, McNaire," she replied. "May I ask a question?"

"You may."

"What will happen to the she kit?"

"She was taken to McCallistar's barn. Enough. Go back, go to the barn. Fetch the rest of the prey..."

Colette immediately did as instructed, taking off to collect it and bring it to him. Eventually, she finished the strenuous task, only strenuous due to her abnormal weight. When finished, McNaire dismissed her without another glance or word.

Relieved, she set off to her nest. Inside, she noticed each pregnant mother. Ruby, not with kits yet, had her first litter taken away. And now, she was in early pregnancy with her second.

Opal nursed her four kits quietly, while mothers and pregnant mothers alike rested, Colette rested in her nest, eyes opened wide. Restless and fidgety, she was burdened with a choice to make. Gazing over the cats, the darkness hid her steps, as she slipped out a large door. Into the back garden, broken fences littered the area, and remanence of horses that once trotted along the grass.

The moon rested in the sky, half there, half gone. Taking a breath, she enjoyed the temporary silence, and the fresh air. For once, it didn't stink of milk and kitting, just the outdoors.


"Oh! No," she whispered. Turning, she saw Jocasta at the doorway. "I'm sorry, I couldn't sleep and-"

"I saw you. The other night," Jocasta revealed with a calm tone. "I will help you, if you ask. I know..."

"If McNaire discovers, he'll kill the kits. I have to get out before. Before that happens. Please Jocasta," Colette begged. Within, she could feel the kits full of life, full of potential, and full of love.

"He will not come back for another two days, perhaps..."

"Where do I go?"

"There is a Clan," Jocasta began. "Beyond the fields, beyond the trees."

"SkyClan? Is that what they call it?"

"Yes. Plead with them. Ask them for protection. Find your friend," she instructed.

"What if he... What will he do?"

"He injures. He threatens. But you have nothing here that you hold dear," Jocasta stated with a sadness. "And Colette..."

"Don't forget. About us..."

"I will come back for you. And Sage, Ruby and Opal. None of you deserve this," Colette said.

"Go. Before someone hears..."

Struck with a burst of urgency, Colette trotted off as fast as she could. As she did, she realized how easy it was. In her fears and thoughts, she thought there would be more resistance. Soon, she smelled the potent stench of wild cats.

Maybe he knows. Maybe Jocasta is tricking me. Suddenly paranoid, Colette headed for the hidden foliage of the forest. Taking off toward it, she found the tall trees overwhelming, as well as the many scents. Engulfing her senses with every whiff, it was like nothing she had experienced.

When she expected the forest to split, it continued. The forest seemed eternal. Losing herself, she gazed around at the canopy. As she did, she grew dizzy and had to rest by a tree. It was then when she smelled something else in the air.

The fur on her back slowly rose to a point, and a fear rushed through her. A storm is coming. With no shelter, she had no choice but to continue her quick pace through the forest. Rushing and telling herself to push forward, exhaustion hit her like a monster on the thunderpath. Her paws went weak and a sharp pain stung her belly.

Moaning in pain, she fell to her paws. Weakly, she crawled over toward the base of a tree. Gradually, rain began to pelt the forest. Above her, leaves caught most of the raindrops before they dropped onto her.

Panting and shivering, she cried in the rain. Missing her nest. Missing her kin. Missing her home. Soon, the rain struck down hard when a flash erupted in the sky, for all to see.

A loud rumble rolled through the forest, through the ravine and the whole of the twolegplace. Thunder rolled through the clouds, roaring and striking fear in even the bravest cats. Once again, a lightning strike shot across the sky and the wind howled before a rumble shook the forest floor. Colette sent a silent prayer of hope to the violent sky, producer of such a powerful storm. Help my kits...

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