Trust In Blood

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There comes a time in every person's life where they act on instinct, without thought or consideration of the moments that comes after. You choose an option, and you run with it.

I chose to fight. I couldn't sit by and watch anyone get hurt for my sake and sanity. I might not understand what occurred around me or understand all the logistics, but I understood the fine lines between death and life. Whatever everyone in the room played at, they played with their lives and risked it all.

I slammed the rock, sharp edge first, into the Sandman's back, pressing it into his jacket and skin. It wasn't enough to do damage or kill the baddest of the bad, but I understood the basics of inflicting shallow wounds and distraction.

The Sandman grunted but didn't show signs of pain. He twisted around, his whip loose at his side. I backed away.

"That was a stupid move." The Sandman grumbled, his voice harsh and hoarse. His irises lit up, piercing the surroundings with an icy glare. He took a hard step forward, the granules of sand underneath his feet granting against one another. The sand moved with him as if they were alive and devoted to no one but him.

The bloody whip hanged idle by his side, unwavering and unmoving, it mocked me. Every move of his feet, every flinch of his lip or movement of his muscle made me anticipate an attack. Keep his focus on you. Keep it together. You can. I chided, while my insides quaked and the air grew thin. My heart, however, didn't agree with my head. It raced an endless race, circling a never-ending track until it thumped in panicked beats that crashed in waves against my ribcage and bled into my eardrums. All sound fell away but the tub, tub of my hammering heart.

The Sandman stopped dead in his tracks, his chest a needle away from my head. My breath lodged in my throat. To be caged by a fiend of muscle and raw spewing iniquity didn't begin to cover the bounds of intimidation which engulfed me whole. If I ever got to face Bailey again, I'd be able to face her intimidation like a champ. Yet the notion didn't bring me any pleasure. I had to survive the deadly snake at my doorstep first and I didn't know how.

My brain refused to bring itself to be useful or utter a single function or thought. I never anticipate to look into death's gate more than once. Like most people I assumed I'd live a relatively bumpy but happy life, before dying along the lines. I hoped I would only have to feel the unknowing fear and trepidation of death, once, but here I stood, my lifespan slowing as if it would cease to exist and I would vanish into the abyss of the hereafter.

"Cat got your tongue, cutie?" The Sandman asked, his agitation from my small infliction gone and replaced by the same bemusement I saw in his eyes when he attacked me the first time.

My mangled brain stuttered, you're providing him with the perfect entertainment by staring at him wide-eyed and trembling. He seeks out fear like a true sadist.

His left hand lifted from his side. I watched it in dread, waiting for the ball to drop, a weapon to appear and for him to strike me with his bulging fingers but he surprised me by doing the total opposite. Through it left me with nothing short of gut twisting, bile inflicting and hair-raising distaste. He had grabbed hold of my cheek, yanking my head forward and lowered his broad frame downwards. The ruby earring in his left ear swayed from side to side, reminding me of the addiction they all thrived upon. I originally mistook it for nothing but an earring, but like Elihandra, the Sandman shared her ideals, and devotion to all things bloodied. The blood-droplet shaped jewellery he and Elihandra shared, appeared to be statement pieces filled either with random pig's blood, or worse, a victim's blood.

"I'm looking forward to teaching you a lesson on respect, cutie." He purred, his rough thumb rubbing harsh circles into the side of my cheek. My insides shivered, and I grounded my teeth together. It wasn't easy facing a threat, but facing a man, who implied to do something worse than simple death, made me want to protect my entire being.

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