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Hey guys

I've been thinking about unpublishing my unedited chapters for a while. Not the book, just the chapters I haven't gotten around to editing.

Honestly, I feel like making up excuses for why I haven't written a new chapter in Whispered Kiss is basically just waisting everyone's time. I haven't written a new chapter due to numerous aspects, inlcuding time, and lack of inspiration. I always get a period of hardship in every book I write where it freezes. So, I tried to pick up where I left off but in truth, I think I'll only achieve that if I unplublish the unedited chapters and edit and publish them again each week once I've edited them. I feel like this might force myself and brain to acknowledge the story again and continue on because I know how it should end, I know what should happen, but I just fell out of writing on WK. I don't want to let readers wait years and years to read Whispered Kiss and nor do I want the story to lie sliently in the back of my mind, torturing me that it could've been finished by now and its not. lol.

The new system will also help newer readers not to feel confused about the new additions, and won't leave confused gaps from my edited and unedited chapters.

I should've done it from the start when I saw the time it took to write a new piece got longer and longer but what can I say? I'm human and we don't always choose the right option right away.

I also want to thank my older readers for sticking with me. You know who you are and I abosultey adore you for sticking it out. :)

I know Whispered Kiss isn't living up to its full potential now, but I hope it starts to do so soon! I haven't chosen a day I would like to update the new chapters, but I'm thinking that there should be one, once per week. I'm going to try to make it happen or die trying lol

With Love


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