The Whisper

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"You realize the mortal world has already washed her brain with thoughts of instability. Whatever you are playing at, needs to stop."

"Why? I do not understand your concern for this matter."

"Of course, you don't. You slink around in the dark, praying on her instead of being honest. Your methods are madness."

"Are they? Ever heard the saying, there is a method to my madness?"

"Don't test me. Leave her alone. I am more than capable of handling her. Have I not done so for years?"

From the far corner of the dusted in black room, a hollow laughter erupted, there were no tones in the laughter to distinguish. He leaned against his kitchen sink. He barred his teeth and scowled in the direction of the voice. He didn't fear it.

"If it wasn't for me she would have slipped through our grasp. Again! Her value to me is precious."

A nearby window shattered from the intensity of the single octave tone. The only indication of emotion to discern from the faceless shadow before him. The pieces of glass cascaded like diamonds onto the ground. A dog in the surrounding neighbourhood picked up on the sound of danger and a string of incisive barks emitted from the mutt.

He slammed a fist down on the counter before him, rattling the glassware inside. "Dammit! Don't be a fool! I know you're keeping secrets from me. Toying with things beyond my understanding. You need to stop! She's already fragile and doesn't trust easy."

"She's strong. I've smelt it. Felt it. She will not run. She will learn to trust us."

His words fell on deaf ears and his dull finger nails cut into his skin as he squeezed his fist tighter. Fuck. He wanted to strangle the bastard before him.

"You're an ignorant fool. Humans do not trust that which they fear or," his head to dropped in utter frustration, "Or those who are myth."

Another emotionless chuckle eased over the room. "You're the fool. She is meant for a greater purpose. A purpose which has already been unlocked or have you forgotten? Soon it will manifest."

He bit down on his teeth, pushing himself away from the sink and spinning around, his own tone carrying a menacing bite, "No I haven't, and I realize this but, she already senses it. Sense you," he shuddered, "She won't give in if you do not give her the truth and time to digest it."

"We do not have the time which I am sure you are aware off. I will confine in her soon, if however, she won't come willing then. . ."


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