A Fate Long Decided

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Bladen tumbled to the ground with an audible thud. The force shook the books and ornaments on his bookcase. The blue azure of the disc, levitating near the leaves twined across the roof of his study, spat out another form. Bladen, unable to gather enough strength, allowed Ave to fall onto him. He managed to shield her from rolling over and hitting the foot of his desk with her head. Arel, glided from the blue mist, and landed on his feet with grace. The portal dispersed, shattering the disc. Bladen's grandfather gifted him the portal. He warned him of the once-off use of the mechanism, and that's why Bladen never used it up until now. He was sad to see such a valuable object go but thankful he used it for a good reason.

Instead of lashing out at Arel for his hesitation earlier, he lifted Ave's head and whipped away the strings of hair clinging to her face. Her legs were sprawled over his, her chest lying snug on his abdomen.

"Are you okay?" He whispered as his finger traced around the wounds on her face.

"What-" she groaned, laid her palms flat between his arms and his body and tried to press herself upwards but the lack of energy in her body was evident when she collapsed onto him. He allowed his own head to fall backwards as he stared up at the ceiling. If he didn't vibrate with pain, he would find some cheeky phrase to throw at Ave about the cumbersome poison they were in. In truth, he feared saying anything, afraid it might destroy the feel of her against him. Everything about her, despite the recent situation, called out to him. She was soft, warm, inviting and comforting. He shouldn't be thinking of Ave Vagameer as more than a means to an end, but his mind couldn't help but stray to her.

"I- I don't understand what happened," Ave slurred against him, her breath heating his skin through his shirt. "I'm tired." her words slurred, and her body remained limp. The repercussions of using her power and what she went through, catching up with her.

With effort, Bladen managed to lift his good arm from the floor and stroked her head. He licked his lips, damming the soreness for destroying such an excellent opportunity.

"Close your eyes, and sleep." He commanded, his own eyes drooping close. Before he blacked out, he heard the faint sounds of shuffling feet, heard the screams of a woman, and felt Ave's weight being lifted from him but no matter how much he wanted to open his eyes, he couldn't deny his body the rest. She's safe. The thought coursed through him and he fell away.

*    *    *

Three days passed and for those few days, Ave slept as if in a coma. She didn't wake to go to the levy or to eat, she simply slept. Bladen often checked in on her, replacing her bandages, and cleaning her wounds. She started to regain colour in her cheeks and the cut on her cheek and the one discovered at the back of her head, got stitched together and began their healing process. Bladen felt an immense relief with Ave safe, and guarded under his roof. He had his own small army residing in his home. A home hidden from the outside dangers.

As for Bladen's contractor, Arel didn't bother him much. Since his flaw during the basement battle, Bladen hadn't seen or heard from the annoying being. It both elated and perplexed him. What went wrong to make the being freeze? But, no matter how much Bladen sought out answers, he found none. Arel remained a mystery Bladen couldn't solve. If he didn't let go of the wonderings, they would drive him mad.

He leaned back in his desk chair, closing his eyes for a brief second and allowed the sun to pour over him through the open window.

Damania had been quiet since Ave's arrival, kidnapping, and rescue. There were no rumours, and no one knocking on his door to see if he returned. He wished Duwane could keep the vultures away forever, but he would need to face them sooner rather than later. His last visit was eight weeks ago, which in Damania time related to four and a half years of absence.

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