Picking Up The Pieces

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Hello, I hope you enjoy my first one-shot! Worked super hard on it, but if there's any spelling errors there are all made by me, nobody's perfect!

This takes place the night Regina returned from the diner, Robin's wife is back from the past and it's haunting Regina's very existence. How is she to sleep at night knowing he isn't hers anymore?


Darkness, all you really see when you close your eyes right? But why did it feel like her whole being was darkness, even her soul? Maybe it was because she thought she could be happy, at last.

Maybe it was because everything he told her, she took to heart. The smallest things he did for her, such as hold her hand, peck her lips before he left to work, or hold her all night so she would feel at peace with the world, completed her very existence. But, it wasn't meant to be, his wife was back, he needs to take back all that he took and give it back to her, his wife. The one he vowed to never leave, till death did them apart.

Now, she'd be the one with a smile on her lips every time she felt him crawl into the sheets right next to her. She'd be the one to be able to hold him tight when she was scared, sad, maybe even nervous. The one who would tease and cuddle with him after a long day at work. Now, she would be the one to kiss those lips of his every, damn, day. He was hers, and no one else's.

Regina felt tears weld up in her eyes, she threw the picture of them two, looking innocently into each others eyes, and knowing that there was nobody in the universe but them.

Glass shattered against her wall, and fell down to the hardwood floor. She stood up suddenly and walked over to the glass pieces. The frame might've been broken, but the picture was still perfect at all the edges, and so was the memory. But that was just the thing, she wanted it gone.

Picking it up, she let a tear slip as she tore up the photo, the one he told her specifically to frame, so that when she needed it, she could know how much he really did love her.

The pieces of the photo fell slowly onto the broken pieces of glass.

She walked away from the broken memories and climbed into her bed, the first night that she would fall asleep without him right next to her, or tangled up in his arms. Her eyes closed, revealing the darkness once more, but maybe it was alright to feel the pain, maybe it was just what she deserved.

Every couple of seconds, she would open her eyes and stare at the pillow next to her, wishing that he would magically appear right there next to her, push her hair back, and kiss her goodnight. But it just simply, wasn't meant for her to be happy.

Soon, she got lost in her dark thoughts, and soon they turned into dreams, specifically nightmares. But it was the only thing that was gonna get her through the night, so why try and wake up, just to feel more than she already was.


Her eyes fluttered open, to find the sun shining right on her face. On mornings like this, she'd smile and roll over onto Robin, waking him up with her kisses.

But it would be different now, she closed the curtain violently, hearing a small tear, tear the curtain.

Regina then pushed the sheets away and sat up. She rubbed her eyes, and sighed. She forced herself to the edge of the bed, the fear of facing him after all that's happened frightened her.

What if she saw them all together, with Roland, whom she missed so much, walking down the block with ice cream like they used to, but with his real mother. How would she handle that? It was hard enough for her already, she didn't know how her heart still beat.

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