Midnight Sweater - Part 2

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A/N : I'm trash and keep forgetting to update. Other than that, enjoy ! Don't forget to leave your thoughts💞💞


A Week Later..

Regina sat in her bed, a book of spells on her lap as she flipped through the pages anxiously. Everyone was counting on her, everyone. But she was frustrated and angry at herself because she couldn't find anything. Anything. She felt weak when she didn't have some sort of head start or plan. And she hated it. It interfered with her sleeping.

"Goodnight beautiful, John and I are going hunting again tonight."

With her eyes still glued to the pages she nodded and exhaled frustratededly. "Alright, goodnight." She replied, her tone irritated and he frowns.

He tilted his head. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah... it's just, I-I'm useless to this damn plan!" She shouted, throwing the book of the bed and folding her arms. "I can't do anything right can I?" She huffs and crosses her arms in front of her chest.

Robin smiled and approached the bed, sitting next to her and taking his hand in hers. He looked in her eyes and what he saw was fear, mixed in whiskey brown eyes. Her eyes were always so soft and gentle when looking at him.

"You know that's not true. You'll get it, I know you will. You're Regina Mills! The smartest one in this damn kingdom. Don't stress yourself."

She gave him a soft smile. "Thank you Robin, I'll try. But you go, I'll be fine okay?"

He nodded and picked up her chin, pulling her into a sweet kiss. She closed her eyes and kissed him back, leaning forward into his kiss. They hadn't been able to see each other and she missed him. Missed him in her bed at night, and in all the ways. She almost didn't want him to leave. But she parted from him and gave him a grin.

"When you get back, come straight to this room." It was a command, she wasn't sleeping alone tonight. Not without him.

Smirking, he nodded.
"I won't be long, I'm a little tired myself. But I don't want you to be awake. You need sleep. You can read more about these spells tomorrow, taking care of yourself first is more important." He told her.

She agreed and let him kiss her one last time.


2:38 A.M.

He was overwhelmed and exhausted, glad that he was only a couple inches away from Regina's door. He opened it slightly and peeked in to see Regina still reading that damn book of spells. And it irritated the hell out of him, and hurt him at the same time. He hated to see that Regina was always putting others before herself, of course he loved how kind she was for that but she put too much pressure on herself. It wasn't good for her. The others underestimated and put everything in her hands, he can't even imagine how stress worthy that is. Especially for what she's going through right now.

"Regina Mills," Robin said, crossing his arms as he walked in her room. She bit her lip and closed the book, placing it on the shelf next to her. "Why are you still at it?"

She sighed and shrugged her shoulders lazily, frowning. "I just wish I could come up with just something! It doesn't have to be a lot, just enough to help me sleep tonight. I work my ass yet I find nothing."

Robin nodded and sat next to her. He could tell she was tired. It bothered him as well how everybody seemed to just leave the problem for her to solve. They didn't even care to think about her take on all this, how'd she feel. Obviously she was being too hard on herself with everything that is going on now.

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