Midnight Sweater

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A/N : Hey guys! Thanks for 1k views and all your lovely comments left. Don't forget to favorite and leave your thoughts in the comments! There just might be a Part 2 of this one...idk yet. If you'd like a Part 2 let me know☺️☺️.

This also takes place during The Missing Year😋
(Any and all mistakes are mine !)


It was maybe, twelve o' clock, two A.M. Who knows? She couldn't sleep, her mind constantly bubbling with thoughts of Henry and the moments used to spend. She had found him, and lost him again. Nobody understood, nobody knew what it felt like. Yes, maybe Snow had lost Emma again but everything was always handed to her. She had her husband to support her, her friends. Nobody cared to talk to her.

She pushed back her covers and exhaled deeply as her bare feet touched the cold castle floor. She moved her feet around in search for her slippers and slid her feet inside. It was cold, no, freezing. Everything around her seemed dimmer, more dark and it was like all the light that had surrounded her had been ripped from her.

Regina didn't own much sweaters, not here. The ones she had were made for style and really not much of a help and most definitely wouldn't be in this weather. Maybe she could borrow one of Snow's, maybe she wouldn't notice. Regina strolled down the empty halls of her castle, nobody. She looked around and let a sigh of relief when she found a jacket hanging on a chair. It was green, and smelt of forest when she wrapped it around herself. Where had she smelt that before?

She swore to herself that whoever's it was they would never find out she had even touched it, she was just going to get some air.

The cold breeze hit her like a wave, she felt herself starting to shiver and zipped up the sweater. She leaned against the railings and exhaled deeply, closing her eyes. Moments like these she cherished. The silence--

"Is my jacket keeping you warm out here, Milady?" A familiar voice caught her off guard.

She spinned around and met an ocean blue gaze. Of course, out of everyone else's sweaters it had to be, the thief's. Regina rolled her eyes and began to take off the damned sweater.

"You want your stupid sweater? Take it. I was only using it for a second anyway." She replied, throwing it at him.

Robin chuckled and approached her. "I didn't say you couldn't use it." He replied, wrapping the jacket back around her. His skin briefly touching her shoulder for a second sending electricity through her veins. She shivered under his touch and for a second she just stared at him.

"And just why are you out here?" Regina asked, looking him head to toe.

"I was having trouble falling asleep. Thought I could come out here and find some peace, I suspect the same from you?"

She slowly nodded and turned back around, smiling at the beautiful sight of the forest. She could feel his hot breath against her neck, his breathing slow and steady. She hated to admit it, but she liked the feeling. This man was not unattractive, he was gorgeous. And although she knew letting another someone in her life would damage her, she couldn't resist not staring at him from across the way, having those snappy arguments with him that she loved having, and here he was now.

He moved from behind her to stand right beside her and leaned forward against the railing.
"Your son, you lost him didn't you?" He said.

She nodded again, closing her eyes and taking yet again another deep breath. "I should get back inside, I need to get some sleep--"

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