Chapter 2

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The next day:
Teigan and Adam woke up at the same time and cuddled in bed together for a little while. "I'm going to head to the food store to get something special to eat for tonight so you want to come with me?" Adam asked. "I will be fine I'm going to sort some of my old things out and make room for the baby's things" Teigan said. "You sure?" Adam said. "I'm sure" Teigan replied. Adam and Teigan got out of the bed and got changed. "Right babe I will see you later I will try and be as quick as I can" Adam said. "See you later" Teigan said. Adam gave Teigan a quick kiss. "I love you" Adam said. "I love you too" Teigan replied, Adam went down the stairs and left and got in the car. Teigan waved him off as he drove out of the driveway and up the road. Once Adam was gone Teigan got out some of her old boxes of things from underneath the bed, she looked threw the boxes and came across pictures from when she was younger to a teen. She came across one picture where she was a teen and her parents were either side of her. Teigan looked at it and put it back in the box straight away. She looked threw some other things she owned and put them in a box to be thrown away. Teigan put the box of things that were going in the trash and headed to the bathroom to sort her hair out when her phone went off, it was Adam. "Getting your favourite ice cream so we can watch movies and cuddle tonight" the message read, Teigan smiled as she replied. "Sounds great see you later babe" she replied. She put her phone in her pocket and headed to the stairs. She completely forgot the box was there and she fell down the stairs landing at the bottom with one hard thud ..

Adams car pulled up and he got out and locked the car and carried the bags in. He knocked on the door but there was no reply. "Oh yeah I have me key duh" Adam said. He got his key out of his pocket and unlocked the door. He put the bags down. "I'm back Teigan baby" Adam said. There was no reply. "Teigan?" Adam called out. He turned his head and saw Teigan lying on the floor at the bottom of the stairs. Adam rushed to her side. "Teigan baby wake up" Adam said. Adam checked Teigans pulse and there was nothing. "Teigan wake up babe please" Adam begged. He picked up his phone and rang an ambulance "please help my fiancé fell down the stairs and she's not breathing and she's pregnant please hurry up" Adam said, Adam put the phone down and tried to wake Teigan up again but it just wasn't any use. Adam lifted up teigans body when blood fell on his hand, "no no no no!" Adam said. He put his hand behind teigans head which was bleeding. "Please don't die baby" Adam cried. Adam rocked teigans body in his arms he couldn't loose the women of his dreams and his baby at the same time. "I'm so sorry I should have been here" Adam cried. He held Teigan close he couldn't loose the love of his life and unborn child he wouldn't know what to do if he did.
The ambulance finally arrived. "Please do everything you can just don't let her or the baby die please I can't loose them" Adam pleaded. "We will try our best mr Lambert" the ambulance driver said. Adam wasn't aloud in the back of the ambulance so he got in his car and sped to the hospital. He got caught in traffic "for fuck sake hurry up!" Adam shouted slamming his horn. The radio was on and fix you was playing by Coldplay he turned it off the last thing he wanted was sad songs playing to make him feel any worse. His phone lit up on his lap the home screen picture was off him and Teigan when they went to London. A tear rolled down Adams cheek "I can't loose you both not now not ever" Adam said. He finally arrived at the hospital and got our of his car and ran into the hospital. Adam ran to reception, "I'm here for Teigan she's just been brought in" Adams said, "how are you connected to her" the receptionist asked. "I'm her fiancé" Adam said. "She's on the emergency ward just do down the hall and take a left and it's there" the receptionist said. Adam ran as fast as he could down the hall and finally arrived at the emergency ward. A doctor came out of teigans room, "please can I go in and see her" Adam said. "I'm afraid you can't at the moment" the doctor said. "Why not" Adam said. "Because we are still checking on her" the doctor said. Adam sat down. "She could be fucking dead and you won't tell me anything!" Adam shouted. "Sir please calm down" the doctor said, "no I will not calm down" Adam said. "As soon as we get the tests back we will let you know please wait" the doctor said, he went back into teigans room and shut the door. Adam paced up and down the corridor and ran his hands threw his hair. He slid down the wall and put his head in his hands "why can't they just tell me already" Adam said. A hand touched Adams shoulder it was the doctor. Adam stood up straight away. "Have the tests come back is she okay please tell me she's okay is the baby okay" Adam said. "Yes sir the tests have came back" the doctor said. "You can go in and see Teigan if you want now as I want you to be with her when I tell you the test results" the doctor said..

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