Chapter 47

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The doctor came back in the room. "Teigan you are free to leave now if you wish" the doctor said. The doctor left the room and left Teigan and Adam sitting in silence. "I'd like to go home" Teigan said. Adam nodded his head. Teigan carried the bag with the blooded clothes in and left the hospital in clean clothes. Adam held teigans hand and they both walked out of the hospital. Adam helped Teigan into the car and shut the door and Adam got in the drivers seat and shut the door and pulled out of the hospital car park. The drive home was silent. Teigan just kept her head leaned against the window and watched the raindrops slowly fall Down the window. Adam kept turning his head to see if she was okay but he just didn't know what to say. Adam held teigans hand tightly and kissed the back of it. They arrived at the apartment and Adam pulled into the drive. He got out the car and helped Teigan out. "Thanks" she said quietly. They both headed towards the front door and went inside. Adam put the keys down in the kitchen and just headed into the living room for a second. Teigan put the blooded clothes down and just stared at them. Teigan leaned against the counter trying to compose herself. "Babe I was thinking that.." Adam stopped himself and saw teigans facial expression in the window. Teigan turned around and looked at Adam and broke down. She fell to the floor in sobs Adam catched her just before she hit the ground and held her in his arms. Adam started crying too. Teigan tried to wriggle away but it didn't work. She banged on Adams chest as she sobbed. "Why has this happened" she sobbed. "I'm such a shit mommy" Teigan sobbed. "No you are not Teigan Zara is so so so lucky to have you as her mommy" Adam said. Adam and Teigan held onto eachother as they cried. Adam lifted Teigan up and carried her to the living room. Adam sat down on the sofa in the living room and sat Teigan down on his lap. She cuddled into him and Adam but a blanket over her. "Adam what if I can never have children again" Teigan said. "Don't say that babe" Adam said. Teigan lifted her head of Adams chest and looked at him. "It was my fault the baby died" Teigan sobbed. "No it wasn't Teigan what happened was not your fault please don't blame yourself" Adam said. Adam wiped teigans tears and she cuddled into him. Adam kissed the Top of her head and they both fell asleep.
About 3 hrs later Adam woke up and so did Teigan. "How long did we sleep for" Teigan asked. "A few hours I think" Adam said. Adam moved the hair out of teigans face and kissed her. "Your so beautiful" Adam said. Teigan smiled and kissed Adams cheek. "I don't know what I'd do without you" she said. "It's us against the world threw thick and thin forever and always" Adam said. Teigan smiled. "I love you" Teigan said. "I love you too my perfect wife my world my soul mate my best friend my other half  i would be so lost without you" Adam said. Teigan had a tear rolling down her. Cheek. Adam wiped teigans tear. "Everything is going to be fine from now on I promise" Adam said. The door opened it was Neil and Leila. Neil never knocks on the door when he comes over. "Why are you two looking so depressed you look as if someone has just died" Neil said. Teigan and Adam looked at eachother. "I'm looking forward to these baby scan pictures" Leila said. Leila put Zara's car seat down which Zara was fast asleep in. "You did get scan pictures didn't you" Leila asked. Teigan got of Adams knee and ran to the bathroom upstairs. Teigan ran to the bathroom and locked the door and slid against it and burst into sobs. She turned her head and saw dry blood on the floor. "No" Teigan screamed threw sobs. Teigan scrubbed the floor but the blood didn't budge. Teigan sat on the side of the tub still in full complete melt down mode. She turned her head to the left and saw a razor on the ledge on the tub. Teigan leaned over to get it ....

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