Chapter 39

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The next morning:
The sun beamed threw the bedroom blinds. Adam woke up and turned around to Teigan and kissed her head. "Morning Adam" Teigan said. "Morning babe" Adam said. "Why don't we go the beach we haven't been yet and it's meant to be really nice" Adam said. "Sure why not" Teigan said. They both got out of bed and got ready. Teigan put on a summer dress with some cute sandals and put her bikini on underneath. She left her hair naturally curly and let it fall over her shoulders. "Ready babe" Adam said. "Yep" Teigan said. Teigan covered up the mark on her neck as best as she could and grabbed her sunglasses and bag and headed downstairs. "You look beautiful as always" Adam said. "Thankyou baby and you look as handsome as ever" Teigan said. Adam gave Teigan a quick kiss and held her hand. They both left the Vila and walked up to the beach. They got to the beach and mannaged to get two loungers to lie on there was a lot of people on the beach so the fact that they mannaged to get two loungers was good. Teigan put her bag down and took her dress off so she could catch a tan. Adam took his shirt off and they both lay on the loungers. Adam smiled at Teigan. "Your body is so beautiful" Adam said. "Thankyou addy" Teigan said blushing. Adam smiled at her and she smiled back. Adam intwined his fingers with hers as they lay back on the sun loungers and enjoyed the Hawaiian sun. "Teigan erm I wouldn't turn your head just for a second" Adam said. "Well that's going to make me want to look babe" Teigan said. Teigan took her sunglasses off and turned her head and saw the waitress walking towards them. "Jeeze she is seriously stalking us hasn't she gotten the message yet" Teigan said pissed off. The waitress gave Teigan an evil took and stood inbetween Teigan and Adam. "Hey you hurried off quickly last night before I could give you my number can I have yours" the waitress asked playing with her hair and smirking at Adam. "No you can't you forced yourself onto me last night I am a married man let me enjoy my honeymoon in piece" Adam said. Teigan stood up in front of the waitress. "Listen here you crazy stalker bitch you clearly haven't gotten the point yet have you so let me make it simple for you" Teigan said. She looked to Adam. "1 he is mine my soulmate,my best freind, my husband, 2 you see this ring here it's called a wedding ring he has one too because guess what dumb ass we are married with a gorgeous baby girl and 3 see this here" Teigan pointed to her mark on her neck Adam left "he left that there last night after one crazy night of lust,passion and great great sex I'm the only women he can ever do that with because I'm his wife so back off" Teigan said. "You don't deserve ugly bitch!" The waitress said. "What did you just call me" Teigan said. Teigan started walking towards the waitress and she backed away. The waitress walked back near the shore. Teigan lifted her arms up and pushed the waitress backwards into the sea. "That's for trying to steal my man" Teigan said. Teigan turned around and adam was stood there in shock. Teigan walked right up to Adam and smacked her lips against his and kissed him. They both laughed as the waitress stormed away looking very annoyed and embarrassed. "That was hilarious" Adam said. "Well I wanted her to get the message" Teigan said. "And that's why I married you" Adam said. They both laughed and kissed again. Teigan gave the waitress a sarcastic wave as the waitress walked away. Adam wrapped his arms around teigans waist. "She looked disgusted when you shown her the mark on your neck" Adam said laughing, "well I wanted to show her that I'm the only women who can ever do anything like that with you" Teigan said. "You will always be the only one for me" Adam said. Teigan smiled and kissed Adam. They both smiled and turned around and looked out on the sun.

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