Chapter 56

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The next morning:
Leila and Ashley woke up before Teigan. Teigan fell asleep holding Adams hand all night. Ashley tapped Teigan on her shoulder and Teigan freaked out a little. "It's just me Teigan" Ashley said. Teigan took a deep breath. "Has anything happened to Adam whilst I was asleep" Teigan asked. "No nothing" Leila said. They all stood there in silence looking at Adam. "It should be me there not Adam" Teigan said. "Don't say that" Leila said. "No it's true so much has happened it's all my fault I should be the one on that bed not Adam" Teigan said. Leila hugged Teigan tightly. "Adam loves you so much I see it all the time just by the way he looks at you when your not looking pure happiness is over his face he is so lucky to have you" Ashley said. Teigan smiled. "Come on let's go get some breakfast" Ashley said. Teigan nodded her head. "Do you want anything Leila" Teigan asked. "Just a coffee please" Leila asked. Teigan and Ashley went to get breakfast. It took them about 14 minutes to get the stuff. Teigan and Ashley came round the corner and saw Leila pacing around outside. Teigan ran to Leila. "What's going on" Teigan said panicking. "The machines were going off like crazy 4 doctors had to go in" Leila cried. Teigan dropped her food. "I can't breathe...I can't breathe" Teigan said. She ran out the hospital and dropped to the floor and sobbed. Ashley ran behind her. "This is it I've lost my husband my Adam" Teigan sobbed. "Teigan you need to come in" Ashley said. "He's dead isn't he" Teigan sobbed. "Just come in" Ashley said. Ashley helped Teigan up and linked arms with her and walked into the hospital. Teigan,Leila and Ashley sat outside the room for an hour. The hour passed and the doctor came out. "Are you Teigan" the doctor asked. "Yes I'm Teigan" Teigan said standing up. The doctor smiled. "There's someone who wants to see you" the doctor said. "Oh my god" Teigan cried. She practically ran into the room and saw Adam sitting up awake. "Hi babe" Adam said. Teigan put her hand over her hand and burst into tears. "Adam" Teigan sobbed. Ashley and Leila came in the room behind Teigan. "Knew he'd pull threw it" Leila said. The doctor came back in. "You were the first person Adam asked for when he woke up Teigan literally as soon as he opened his eyes" the doctor said. "Thankyou for everything I'm really sorry for calling you an asshole and other names" Teigan said embarrassed. "It's okay I've been called worse" the doctor said laughing. "Come here" Adam said. Teigan walked over to Adam and he placed a hand on his cheek and kissed her. "I thought you were dead" Teigan cried. Adam wiped her tears. "I'd never leave you" Adam said. "Babe why did you blame yourself for me being here" Adam said. "You heard me" Teigan said. "Every single word" Adam replied.

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