Then and Now

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"Sendou please answer this. What was the period called when the samurai were at war?" The teacher asked. "U-Um the period is called the Edo Period." Aichi answered. Over the last four years Aichi had been tutored from home until he finally convinced his mom to allow him to go to school. It wasn't easy though Aichi had to literally beg his mom to allow him to and it took a whole two weeks for her to coincide. Over the four years Aichi still kept having strange dreams and all of them were different but in some way felt the same. Some of them were about a kid getting picked on but multiple kids at once. While others were about two boys. They were standing on a sidewalk with cherry blossom trees blooming and they were smiling and they would say "Come on Aichi" however when Aichi walked over the boys vanished and he would wake up. "Who are they?" Aichi would wonder. He found it weird that he would have the same dream on and on and it would always end the same way. He felt drawn to the boys and wanted to go to them but something stopped him from getting there. There were so many things Aichi would wonder about. Like his age or the cards he would find at home. There was also one card in particular it's name is Blaster Blade. He felt as if the card was important but didn't know why. He also felt as if he was missing something, something important. Aichi was always confused.

Now Aichi has grown up a bit. His hair has gotten longer and he has somewhat gotten taller. He was in middle school and surprisingly the work wasn't very difficult for him. Aichi always got a ninety or higher on tests. Aichi was currently in history class and his teacher was very eccentric about it. He always spoke passionately about what he was teaching. It was kind of weird but it also made the class interesting. Soon the bell rang signalling that school was over. "Okay class hold on a second." The teacher stated. The class stayed to hear what he was going to say. "Okay class next Monday we will be having another school come over here. The school that's coming is a high school from the town next over. On Monday please come with a few extra clothes and utilities because once they get here we will be going on a weeks vacation at a camping area a ways away from here. We will be there until the end of the week. Every class will be participating. This trip is going to be used to create better friendships between the two schools. When we are there we will be doing different activities and everyone will be put into groups. All the groups will have a mixture of people. Boys and girls and different grades. Also when we are there we will be sleeping in a hotel resort over there and each and everyone of you will be put in a room with two other people. So there is going to be three in each room. The people will be picked according to gender so you don't have to worry about sharing a room with someone the opposite gender. If we have an odd number then there will be groups of four as well. The groups and room mates will be picked at random. Also you won't have to wear your uniform on Monday either because we aren't going to be at school. Please come prepared on Monday. Have a good weekend students." The teacher explained. All the kids were already informed and were very excited for the trip. "I wonder who I will be with." Aichi wondered. Then he walked down the stairs and changed his shoes. Then some kids came up to him.

"Hey Sendou." One kid smirked. At this school Aichi was consistently getting picked on and no one did anything. Aichi kept it secret from his mom and sister. He didn't want to worry them though it seemed that they have already noticed. Aichi's mom suggested to go back to tutoring but Aichi declined every time. Aichi's mom was also against him going on the school field trip but Aichi eventually convinced her by begging her. It seems that begging consistently works with her and Aichi figured that out a while ago. "So Sendou can you come with us?" One kid asked. Aichi could here it in his voice that it was bad if he went so he shook his head. "Hmm then I guess we will have to drag you along." The kid stated. With that the kids grabbed Aichi and dragged him over to the back of the school. No one was there because school had just ended. Once they got there they threw Aichi against the wall. Aichi fell to the ground afterwards.  "As clumsy as always Sendou. If you think you can ignore us on the school field trip your dead wrong." One kid smirked. "But since we may not be able to have as much fun on the field trip let's have some now to make up for it." Another kid sneered. Then they continuously tortured Aichi. Whenever this happened Aichi would have these feelings like this has happened before. Somewhere else and by someone else. After a while they left and Aichi was now covered in cuts, scrapes and bruises. Once Aichi knew they had left he slowly got up. He was in a lot of pain and it was hard to move but he managed to get up grab his bag and walk home.

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