Waking up from a dream

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"Where am I?" Aichi wondered. He opened his eyes and saw white. Everywhere was white and he felt warm. Then he felt the ground, he looked downwards and saw a sidewalk with pink petals on it. "Aichi come on!" Aichi heard. He looked towards the voice and saw two boys. One had brown hair and the other had blonde hair. Then Aichi remembered, "Kai! Miwa!" Aichi smiled. Then he ran towards them and gave them a hug. It felt so nice and warm, however it didn't last. A few seconds after Aichi hugged them they disappeared. Then Aichi saw some kids and teens. Aichi started to shake. Then all of a sudden Aichi's arms and legs were tied. Then he saw the kids and teens over him and the had a lighter and a knife. Aichi tried to get away but his attempt fail and then he felt a sharp pain on his arm. Soon after he felt overwhelming heat on his leg. Aichi felt helpless and scared. "Stop! Please it hurts!" Aichi thought. Then everything stopped and he was in white warmth again. Aichi closed his eyes and then opened them up again. "Who am I? Where am I?" Aichi wondered. Then everything turned dark. Then Aichi opened his eyes and saw a white ceiling. "Where am I?" Aichi asked. "Aichi!" He heard and then he saw a flash of brown and yellow and soon felt warmth. Then he realized he was being hugged. Then he saw the faces of the two people that hugged him. "Thank goodness" Aichi heard then he saw two other people. The two people that hugged him got up and Aichi followed by sitting up. "Where am I?" Aichi asked. "Your in the hospital Aichi" a boy with brownish red hair answered. "Aichi, is that my name?" Aichi asked. Everyone in the room froze and then had a sad expression on their faces.

"So Aichi did loose his memories" Saki thought. "Aichi" Kai and Miwa thought. "What happened to make Aichi rewrite his memories?" Haruki wondered. "Yeah your Aichi Sendou" Miwa smiled. "I see. Who are you?" Aichi asked. "I'm Saki" Saki introduced. "I'm Haruki!" Haruki smiled. "I'm Miwa!" Miwa cheered. "Kai" Kai replied. "Nice to meet you" Aichi smiled. "Hello Sendou. I'm currently the doctor assigned to you so is it okay if I do a few tests?" The doctor asked. "Sure" Aichi smiled. "The four of us need to talk for a second okay Aichi?" Saki stated pointing to Haruki, Kai and Miwa. "Okay" Aichi replied. Then the four of them left the room. "What do we need to talk about?" Miwa asked. "What happened?" Saki asked. "What do you mean? Aichi over written his memor" Haruki started but got cut off by Saki. "I know that I'm asking what horrible thing happened to Aichi." Saki replied. Kai and Miwa looked down remembering what had happened to Aichi all those years ago. "Well?" Saki asked, you could hear it in his voice that he was angry. "Four years ago Aichi was torture half to death by some people. If Miwa and I hadn't of found Aichi when we did the Aichi would have died." Kai replied. Haruki and Saki were shocked. "Why would any do that?" Haruki asked in complete shock. "They did it for fun." Miwa answered. "Where are they now?" Saki asked. "There were kids and teenagers. The kids were given a strict warning and their parents were informed of what they did. The teenagers were sent to jail and will be in jail for about ten to fifteen years." Kai replied. "I see" Saki replied. Then the four of them went back into Aichi's hospital room.

Aichi looked up when he heard the door open. The doctor looked back and smiled. Then the doctor walked over. "Sendou had lost a lot of blood and won't recover fully for a while. Therefore Sendou will stay the night here. Sendou has also recovered all the blood that was lost so I removed the IVs." The doctor stated. "Can we stay?" Miwa asked. "These kids really care for Sendou" the doctor thought then he smiled. "Yeah I will get some pillows and blankets" the doctor smiled. "Thank you" the four of them replied. Then they walked over to Aichi. "Here Aichi" Saki smiled handing Aichi's deck to him. "Isn't that Aichi's deck?" Miwa thought. "Where did you get that?" Kai whispered. "Aichi kept it. It was in Aichi's jacket so I decided I should give it back." Saki whispered back. "I see" Kai replied. Aichi took the deck into his hands. "What is this?" Aichi asked. "It's a vanguard deck. Vanguard is a card game you can play with those cards." Haruki smiled. "Cool!" Aichi smiled then he started going through the deck. Each time he removed the top card to see the one underneath his eyes lit up, then he stopped. "Aichi something wrong?" Haruki asked. "Blaster Blade" Aichi smiled. Kai and Miwa were surprised when Aichi said that. "Blaster blade, I like this card!" Aichi smiled. "Hey Aichi guess what? Blaster blade is a really rare card." Miwa explained. "What does rare mean?" Aichi asked. "It means that you don't see it everyday. Like it is rare to see show in summer." Saki smiled. "So cool!!" Aichi smiled. Then he moved blaster blade and took a look at the card underneath.

Then there was a knock at the door. "Come in" Kai replied. The door opened and revealed a women in a white uniform with a tray of food in her hands. "Here is you dinner Aichi Sendou." The women smiled. Then she placed the tray on the bed and left. On the tray was jello, pudding, some rice, and curry. "Yummy looks good." Aichi smiled. "Wait what about you?" Aichi asked. "We are going to buy our food in the cafeteria" Kai replied. "You should go get your food now so that we can all eat together!" Aichi suggested. "Great idea Aichi lets go!" Miwa smiled. "I'm going to stay here and watch arcane you go get me something Miwa?" Kai asked. "Sure thing what would you like?" Miwa asked. "Some curry is fine" Kai replied giving Miwa money. "Okay leave it to me let's go!" Miwa cheered and he, Haruki and Saki left the room. "Why don't you go with them?" Aichi asked. "Because I can't just leave you here" Kai replied. "I'm not a baby!" Aichi whined with his cheeks poofed out and arms crossed. "I know you aren't but you are my friend aren't you?" Kai replied. "Yeah I am, but don't treat me like a baby okay?" Aichi asked. "Okay I get it" Kai replied and the he patted Aichi's head. "Aichi's hair is really soft." Kai thought. Then Aichi slapped his hand away, Kai was shocked with the reaction. "I said don't treat me like a baby!" Aichi whined. Then Kai realized why Aichi acted like that. "Hahahaha sorry" Kai laughed. Then Miwa be the others walked in with the food. "Here ya go Kai!" Miwa smiled handing Kai his food. "Thanks Miwa" Kai smiled. "Let's eat!" Aichi yelled. Then he started to pick up his food with his hands and started to hand feed himself. "Aichi you have to use the fork" Saki smiled holding up the fork. "Okay" Aichi smiled then he grabbed his fork and ate. They all quickly finished. Then Kai, Miwa, Saki and Haruki looked at Aichi and saw that his face was covered in sauce and pudding. "Hahahahahahah!!" Miwa laughed. "Aichi you have pudding and Sauce on your face" Haruki pointed out. "Oh!" Aichi replied then he started to wipe it off with the sleeve of his shirt. The others just allowed him to do so. Then they stacked their dishes and trays and place them on the table they were eating on.

"Um" Aichi muttered. Everyone turned to him. "I have to go poopy!" Aichi yelled. Everyone froze. "Um okay do you know how to use the toilet and sink?" Haruki asked. "Yep! I'm not dumb you know." Aichi whined. "I know your not dumb" Saki smiled. "I will show you where the bathroom is."Kai smiled. "Thanks!" Aichi smiled. Then the two left. "Don't you think Aichi is acting like a little kid?" Haruki asked. "Yeah but don't forget Aichi doesn't remember much so it isn't surprising" Miwa replied. Then Aichi and Kai were back. "Much better!" Aichi smiled. "That's good" Saki smiled. "Let's play!" Aichi cheered. "Sure what would you like to play?" Haruki asked. "I want you to teach me how to play that vanguard game!" Aichi smiled. "Sure!" Haruki smiled. Then the two of them started to set the stage. Aichi then started poking the circles. "Are these supposed to do anything?" Aichi asked. "They mark where you put your cards" Haruki explained. "I'll teach you Aichi" Kai smiled. "Sure thanks Kai!" Aichi smiled. "Alright let's begin!" Kai smiled.
Time skip... (I decided not to write out all the rules and such on the game because it takes a long time. If you want to read the rules and instructions it is written in one of the chapters of book one. Don't remember which chapter.) The battle ended with Kai winning even so Aichi was putting up quite a fight despite barely knowing the game. "Wow Aichi's really strong" Haruki thought. "That was so much fun!!!!!" Aichi screamed. "Yeah it was" Kai smiled. "Lets play again! Again!" Aichi cheered. "Alright Aichi why don't you play me next?" Haruki smiled. "Yeah yeah!" Aichi smiled. "STAND UP, VANGUARD!" They yelled. "Star dust trumpeter!" Aichi announced. "Lizard runner undeux!" Haruki followed. "The kagero clan huh" Kai muttered. The battle went on and ended with Aichi's victory. "Ah man I lost!" Haruki whined. "It's okay to loose as long as you had fun!" Aichi smiled. "Yeah, your right!" Haruki smiled. "Hey why are all the cards different?" Aichi asked. "In vanguard there are different clans you can play with. Each clan has its own fighting style so you can pick which clan you want to play with based on your play style." Saki explained. "Hmm I like the clan I have now so I'm going to stick with it. So what clan is this?" Aichi asked. "It's the royal paladin clan" Kai smiled. "Oh and what clan is that?" Aichi asked pointing to Haruki's cards. "That is the kagero clan. Miwa and I  also play with the kagero clan." Kai replied. "Cool! Saki what clan do you play with?" Aichi asked. "I use the kagero clan as well" Saki replied. "You guys are the same!" Aichi smiled. "I guess since we use the same clan." Haruki smiled. "Hey, hey what would happen if two players went against each other with the same clan?" Aichi asked. "Hmm depends on the players strategy." Miwa replied. "Strategy?" Aichi asked. "Yeah everyone has their own play style and they use their own strategies in battle to win. The outcome will be determined in how good the players strategy is." Miwa explained. "Awesome!" Aichi smiled. Then he pointed to Miwa and Saki. "You two should play each other!" Aichi suggested. "I don't see why not" Saki replied. "Lets do it!" Miwa smiled. Then the two sat up the battle field and begun. "STAND UP, VANGUARD!" They yelled. The battle took a really long time to finish but eventually ended with Saki winning. "That was fun!" Miwa smiled. "Yeah your strong" Saki commented. "Thanks!" Miwa smiled. "Hey Aichi do you want to play me?" Saki asked. "Yeah!" Aichi smiled. Then the begun. "STAND UP, VANGUARD!" They yelled. The battle took a long time as well but ended with Aichi winning. "That was awesome!" Aichi cheered. "Yeah your really strong Aichi!" Saki commented. "Thanks and your strong too!" Aichi smiled. From there on the five of them battled and battled. "I'm beat!" Miwa sighed. "Same here we have been battling for quite a while." Saki replied. "I'm tired!" Haruki yawned. "Same here. Aichi we should go to sleep. Aichi?" Kai asked. Then he saw Aichi already fast asleep on his shoulder. "A www so cute!" Miwa smiled. "Shhh you don't want to wake Aichi" Saki hushed. Miwa nodded. Then Kai lifted Aichi up gently and laid him on the bed and covered him up. "Goodnight Aichi." Kai smiled.

That's the end of the chapter. So much fun! I hope you enjoyed the chapter thanks for reading!!!

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