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Aichi's eyes fluttered open as sunlight hit them. He sat up a saw Kai, Miwa, Saki and Haruki sleeping on the floor. "They look so peaceful." Aichi thought. Then his stomach started growling. "I'm really hungry" Aichi muttered. "I shouldn't wake them up." Aichi thought. Then he closed the curtains more to block the sunlight and he tipped toed pass the other so that he didn't wake them. Then Aichi opened the door to his room quietly and shut it again gently. "Now to get food" Aichi thought. Then he started walking around the hospital aimlessly. "Where can I get food?" Aichi wondered. He continued down the long hallways until he saw a nurse. "Um excuse me?" Aichi smiled. The nurse turned to look at him. "Do you know where I could get some food to eat?" Aichi asked. "You can get food at the cafeteria that's on the first floor." The nurse replied. "How do you get to the first floor?" Aichi asked. "You can use the elevator over there" she replied pointing to the elevator down the hall. "Thank you Miss!" Aichi smiled. Then he ran down the hall to the elevator and push the button. Soon the elevator opened and Aichi walked in. "What button do I push?" Aichi wondered. Then Aichi saw numbers on the buttons. Aichi smiled and he push the button that had a number one on it. Soon the elevator reached his destination and it slowly opened. Aichi quickly ran out of the elevator and started to look around for the cafeteria. Aichi continued to walk around but wasn't looking where he was going and ran into someone. "I'm sorry!" Aichi bowed. "Watch where your going!!" The person yelled. "I'm sorry!" Aichi continued. Then he looked up and saw a man. The man looked scary because he was glaring at Aichi but when he looked at Aichi's face his glare disappeared. It was replaced with a look of shock. "I know you your that kid that got my son in jail" the man stated. "What?" Aichi asked. "Don't play dumb!" The man yelled. Aichi was shaking and shaking. "Come with me." The man stated and then he grabbed Aichi's arm and dragged Aichi to a van and threw him in the trunk. "Hey! Let me out!!" Aichi yelled banging on the walls. However the trunk's metal was thick so his yells were muffled. Then Aichi felt as if he was moving. Aichi got a chill and he also started to find it hard to breathe. "Please someone help" Aichi thought and then everything was dark.

Miwa rolled over in his sleep and ended up hitting Kai's face. Kai's eyes immediately opened. "Ow!" Kai yelled waking up everyone. "Wha-What's going on?" Miwa asked panicking. Then he saw Kai holding his face with his hand. "Are you okay Kai?" Miwa asked. "Yeah but that hurt" Kai answered. "What hurt?" Miwa asked. "You hit me in the face when you rolled over." Kai replied. Miwa blinked and then "I'm sorry" Miwa replied. "It's fine" Kai's answered. "Morning" Saki yawned. "Good morning" Haruki yawned as well. "Morning!" Miwa smiled. Then Saki noticed the bed was empty. "Where's Aichi?!!" Saki yelled. Everyone looked and saw Aichi not there and started panicking. "Maybe Aichi went to the bathroom?" Haruki suggested. Then he ran out of the room and knocked on the bathroom door. "Aichi are you in there?" Haruki asked. Then the door opened and revealed an old lady. "I'm sorry!" Haruki bowed. Then he got whacked in the face by the lady's purse. Then went back to the room with a red mark on his cheek. "Not there" Haruki sighed. "What happened?" Miwa asked. "An old lady was in the bathroom and when she saw me she hit me in the face" Haruki replied. Miwa and Saki laughed. "Where could Aichi be?" Kai asked. "We should go and ask around if anyone has seen him." Saki suggested. "Good idea lets go!" Miwa smiled. "Okay it will be a good idea to split up into two groups. That way we can cover more ground and with two people in each less of a chance of missing something" Saki suggested. "Yeah good point. Okay let's do Kai and Miwa as one group and Saki and I in another" Haruki suggested. Everyone nodded and ran out the door. Kai and Miwa went left and Haruki and Saki went right. The groups asked around to see if anyone had seen Aichi. "Yes I did see a kid with blue hair and eyes earlier." The nurse replied. "Do you remember where the kid went?" Miwa asked. "Yeah to the cafeteria." The nurse replied then she bowed and left. "Okay let's go!" Kai stated. Then both of the ran to the cafeteria a and started asking. "I saw her." One kid replied. He was in a wheel chair and looked like he was injured. "Really!" Miwa smiled. "Yeah. Earlier I saw her running and then she ran into someone. She apologized but then he started yelling and then he grabbed her and dragged her out of the hospital. I wanted to stop him but I wasn't fast enough." The kid replied sadly. "It's okay. Thank you" Kai replied. Then he took out his phone and phoned Saki. "Hello?" Saki answered. "It's me Kai" Kai replied. "Hey Kai did you find Aichi?" Saki asked. "Aichi was kidnapped." Kai replied. Saki was shocked and tightened his grip on the phone. "You're joking right?" Saki asked. "No a kid told me that Aichi was dragged out and kidnapped." Kai replied. "Alright you guys start looking and we will too. The four of us will meet up at five back here." Saki responded. "Got it bye" Kai replied. "Bye" Saki replied. They hung up. "Come on Miwa we have to go find Aichi!" Kai yelled. Miwa nodded and they ran out. "Do you know what the guy looked liked?" Kai asked. "Yeah the kid did described him. he had brown hair and was tall about 6 and a half feet." Miwa replied. "Got it, lets go" Kai replied. "Yeah" Miwa smiled. "Also we have to meet up with Saki and Haruki at five back at the hospital." Kai explained. "Alright" Miwa replied. "Aichi" all of them thought.

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