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"Hey Aichi ready to go?" Saki asked. "Yep" Aichi smiled. Then the two walked out of their rooms and headed down to meet up with their group. "Hey Aichi how about later I teach you how to play vanguard!" Saki suggested. "Really thanks!" Aichi smiled. "This is going to be fun having such a cute kid as a roommate" Saki thought. "Sure I also brought my deck so once you know all the rules we can play!" Saki smiled. "I can't wait!" Aichi smiled. The two continued down the sidewalk. "Hey! You two make a great couple!" A high school student smiled. The student had blonde hair and red eyes."We're not like that!" Aichi yelled with his cheeks red. "We're not like that after all Aichi is a boy. B.O.Y boy." Saki explained. "You can't be serious this kid is a guy!" The kid gasped. "He looks so cute that I thought he was a girl. This is embarrassing!!" The kid thought. "Yep!" Aichi smiled. "Wow I thought you were a girl. I mean you look so cute that I thought you were a girl." The kid explained scratching the back of his neck. "Hahaha can't blame you he is cute." Saki laughed. "Hey I'm not cute!" Aichi yelled. "Yeah you are I mean with blue hair and blue eyes anyone would think your cute!" The kid smiled. "He is right. Since you have blue hair and eyes I'm guessing your a foreigner." Saki smiled. "Yeah I am." Aichi replied. "This is my first time seeing anyone with blue hair and eyes. Well I'm Haruki and you are?" The kid asked. "I'm Aichi Sendou" Aichi replied. "Nice to meet you Aichi you can call me Haruki" Haruki smiled and he held out his hand. "Nice to meet you too Haruki" Aichi smiled, then he reached his hand up to meet Haruki's and they shook hands. "This kid seems nice" Haruki thought. "Hey come to think if it Haruki and I are the leaders of the group!" Saki smiled. "Aichi is in our group awesome!" Haruki smiled. "Well let's get going!" Saki smiled then he took Aichi's hand and started running. "Hey wait up!" Haruki yelled.

"I think this is it" Miwa smiled. Then he took the key and opened the door to his and Kai's room. Inside the room was a TV, a coffee table with cushions, a couch, a bathroom, a balcony and two large beds. "I like the room" Kai smiled. "Same here!" Miwa smiled. Then the two sat their stuff down on the couch and eat to meet up with their groups. "So how are the people in your group?" Miwa asked. "They're good. Although the girls keep on staring at me, it's kinda creepy." Kai explained. "You too huh well just ignore it. Guess what!" Miwa smiled. "What?" Kai asked. "Some of the middle school students in my group are card fighters and they agreed to fight me at lunch!" Miwa smiled. "Same here I wonder how good they are" Kai smiled. "Guess we will have to wait and see" Miwa smiled. Then the two walked out of their room and went to meet up with their groups.

"Alright students to start off this camping trip off you and your group will go and get to know each other. This way you guys will be able to work together without confusion." The teacher announced. Then all the groups went to some picnic tables to socialize. "Well group let's introduce ourselves!" The leader smiled. The introductions went all around. "I'm Toshiki Kai" Kai smiled, all the girls kept starring at him and swooned when they heard his name, and when they saw him smile. "This is weird." Kai thought. "Hey I'm Taishi Miwa!" Miwa smiled and just like Kai girls were starring and swooning. "Are they okay?" Miwa wondered. "Hello I'm Aichi Sendou" Aichi smiled all the high schoolers smiled back but the middle school kids just ignored Aichi. "I'm Haruki nice to meet you!" Haruki smiled, and just like Kai and Miwa, girls were starring  and swooning. "I'm Saki pleased to meet you all!" Saki smiled and well all the girls were blushing and swooning all over the place. All the groups continued talking and socializing until lunch time.

"Okay students time for lunch. For lunch every group will make curry. All the ingredients are here and if you need it some recipes are here. You will make lunch together as a group so, everyone work together and I'm sure the food will be delicious. After the curry is finished we will set all of them out and then you can choose which one you eat." The teacher explained. Some of the kids cheered and others growled. "Well Aichi let's go!" Saki smiled. "Yeah!"Aichi smiled back. "Okay we have to cut up some potatoes" Saki muttered. "I can do that!" Aichi smiled. "Are you sure Aichi?" Saki asked. "Yep I have helped my mom with cutting potatoes before" Aichi explained. "Okay Aichi I will help too!" Haruki smiled. Then Aichi and Haruki started peeling the potatoes. Then someone tripped and some pans fell. The sound distracted Aichi from what he was doing and accidentally cut his wrist. Aichi winced in pain and dropped the potatoe and held his wrist. "Aichi are you okay?" Haruki asked. "Yeah I'm okay I just got distracted by the sound and cut myself." Aichi smiled. Haruki smiled back and took a look at where Aichi had cut himself and when he did he saw a ton of blood. "Aichi!!!" Haruki yelled. The yell got everyone's attention including Kai and Miwa at the other groups. Aichi then took a look at the cut and apparently he had cut his wrist quite deep and what he saw was a lot of blood. The Saki rushed over along with the rest of the group. "Aichi are you alright?" Saki asked. "Aichi?" Haruki asked. But Aichi didn't answer instead he was shaking. "What's going on?" Aichi wondered. He was seeing a ton of images. "Let's have some fun Sendou. Now your Christmas colours! Let's play doctor Sendou! You are the patient and we are the doctors assigned to do surgery on you. We are always there for you Aichi." Aichi heard. Then flashbacks of being tortured came to him. Aichi continued shaking. "Sendou are you alright?" The teacher asked then the teacher saw the blood. "Go get the first aid kit hurry!!" The teacher yelled then some kids went to get it. "S-Stop" Aichi stuttered. "Sendou?" The teacher asked. "Please stop! STOP!!!" Aichi yelled. He continued to see the kids burning him, cutting him and hitting him. Then Kai and Miwa rushed over and were shocked to see who was hurt. "Aichi!" The two thought. "Stop it! Stop it! Please no, no STOP!!" Aichi continued to yell. "Could her memories be coming back?" Kai and Miwa wondered. Then they rushed over. "Aichi please calm down it's okay" Kai whispered when he hugged Aichi. Aichi continued shaking "it's okay Aichi we're here." Miwa whispered. Then Aichi remembered all the times he spent with Kai and Miwa. He remembered their voices. "K-Kai, M-Miwa" Aichi stuttered. Kai and Miwa moved so that they could see Aichi's face. They smiled once he calmed down. "Aichi" Kai smiled. Then Aichi fainted. "Aichi? Aichi!!!!" Kai yelled. "Kai we should move." Miwa stated. Putting his hand on Kai's shoulder and then pointing behind. Kai looked behind and saw some paramedics with a stretcher. The two boys reluctantly moved for the paramedics, and then the paramedics placed Aichi on the stretcher and brought him to the ambulance. Aichi was taken to the hospital near by. "Aichi" Kai muttered.

"Excuse me but do you two know Aichi?" Kai and Miwa turned to the voice, it was Saki. "Yeah Aichi is a childhood friend of ours." Miwa explained. "I see. What happened back there?" Saki asked. "I don't really know but by what Aichi was saying I guess that by seeing the blood those memories came up" Miwa replied. "What do you mean?" Saki asked. Kai and Miwa looked down sad. "Four years ago Aichi suffered brain damage and ended up forgetting almost everything. Luckily not everything was forgotten. But Aichi forgot us and what had happened over six years." Kai explained. "I see" Saki replied. "Hey you three." The three boys turned to see the teacher and a doctor. "Long time no see Kai, Miwa." The doctor smiled. Then they remembered that he was the same doctor from back then. "Hey" Miwa replied. "Come on Kai, Miwa I will take you to the hospital." The doctor stated. "Really?" Kai asked. "Yeah. You two and Aichi are very close so I think it will be a good idea if you are there when Sendou wakes up." The doctor explained. "Is that okay teacher?" Miwa asked. The teacher smiled and nodded. "Hey can I go?" Saki asked. "Sure and also your other friend is already in the car." The doctor answered. "Must be Haruki." Saki thought. The they went to the car and got in. Haruki was in the front so that means Kai, Miwa, and Saki had fit in the back. Luckily the back was a three seat back but it was still squishy. Miwa was in the middle, Kai at the left and Saki at the right. Haruki laughed. No one replied to it and they drove to the hospital to see Aichi. "So hey Doc what are you doing here?" Miwa asked. "I was sent here to discuss somethings with the higher ups. Then I heard that a blue haired kid's life was in danger and decided to see who it was. To my surprise the kid was Sendou and when I saw you guys I asked your teacher if I could take you to the hospital. The Haruki here came up to me and asked if he could go along and I said yes and told him where the car was." The doctor explained. "I see" Miwa replied. "Also there is something I need to talk about to the four of you as well. Four years ago I didn't mention everything because I didn't think that kids would understand." The doctor stated. "What is it?" Kai asked. "Let's wait until we get there and then I will tell you." The doctor replied. Eventually they got to the hospital.

They then entered the big building and then the four boys were lead to an office. "So what did you want to talk about?" Saki asked. "I want to tell you about what might happen to Sendou." The doctor explained. Everyone was quiet. "Okay back then I told you that Sendou had suffered brain damage in the area of the brain the controls memory right?" The doctor asked. Kai and Miwa nodded. "Well since Sendou regained the bad memories so quickly it could effect Sendou's mental state." The doctor explained. Everyone didn't respond nor were they shocked. "Well there is a chance Sendou won't remember anything." The doctor continued. Everyone was shocked. "How could Aichi forget everything?" Everyone wondered. "Mental shock. It happens when someone has gone through an event that has caused them unimaginable pain. To be honest I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet. Because of shock from the event the brain overwrites its self making that person forget everything." The doctor continued. Everyone was shocked. "So you saying that Aichi won't remember us?" Haruki asked. The doctor nodded. "Will the memories come back?" Saki asked. "I don't know. Maybe, maybe not it all depends on Sendou." The doctor explained. "Can we go see Aichi?" Kai asked. "Yes I will take you to Sendou's room." The doctor replied. Then he lead the four boys down the white halls and eventually came to a room with Sendou's name on it. Then he opened the door. When the boys looked in the saw Aichi hooked up to two IVs. They went up to Aichi's bed and sat down in the chairs next to the bed. "Aichi" they all thought.

That's the end of the chapter! This story is really hard to write, much harder than the first book. Well I hope you have enjoyed this chapter and that you enjoy the next. Thanks for reading!

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