Full Potential {FINALE}

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Chapter 13—Full Potential {FINALE}

Five years...

Five years of intense training.

Five years of trying to reach my full potential.

I was in the kitchen about to make dinner when Echo flashed into the room and scared me. I almost dropped the box of pasta I was holding, but I quickly flashed it back onto the counter.

"Nice work. Fast reflexes," he told me.

"Do you always have to frighten me?" I asked. "Besides, I'm done with regular training sessions now."

"The one thing that you need to learn is how to sense a person in the room," he replied.

"Yeah, but I have to do that on my own time. Right now, I have to make dinner."

"No, you don't," he said.


"Your training is over, and I'm not your mentor anymore."

"What's your point?"

"I made you a deal of being my maid if you agreed to be my apprentice and now that your training is over—"

"Wait, are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"Lennox, there's no need for you to be my maid anymore. You're fired. In a few months, I have to find another person to mentor, and you need to find someone too."

"But where am I supposed to go? Are you asking me to move out? It's been five years, Echo. You can't just send me away, not after all we've been through."

Echo chuckled. "Relax, Lennox. I'm not sending you away." He was silent for a moment, and then he said, "I love you too much."

"You just used the L-word."

"Yeah, so what if I did?"

"You told me a couple years ago that you'd never say that to me unless you were sure."

"Sure about what?" he asked.

I elaborated, "Well, I asked you the same thing, and you told me that I'd find out when the time was right. And then you told me to drop the subject and not question you about it."

"Well, you get to find out tonight," he said.

"Maybe I don't want to find out," I replied, crossing my arms.

"Oh, you do. I know you do."

"Well, now maybe I don't."

"Lennox, stop being so difficult," he ordered.

"You can't tell me what to do. I'm not your maid anymore."

I smirked and headed for the doorway, hoping to leave Echo bewildered by my sudden initiative.

He rushed after me and pinned me against the wall.

"You can't just leave," he said, leaning closer.

"Make your next move, warlock."

He crashed his lips against mine, and I eagerly kissed back. Our powers mingled together, sending electricity-like jolts between us. This was more than just chemistry and attraction. At the risk of being cheesy and obvious, it was magical.

He flashed us out onto the flat rooftop of the house.

"What are we doing up here?" I asked.

"Take a look around," he said.

There was a blanket and picnic basket surrounded by rose petals and a few scented candles.

Echo gestured towards the sky, and I looked up to see endless stars.

"A picnic dinner under the stars. Echo, you did all of this?" I asked, "Why?"

"Hmm, I'm still thinking about whether we should eat and talk before or after I tell you," he replied.

"I want to know now," I admitted.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I do."

"I do..." he said. "It sounds so perfect coming from you."


He got down on one knee and looked up at me.

"Surprise, Lennox."

"Are you about to..." I trailed off when he snapped his fingers and a diamond ring appeared in his hand.

"Lennox, I took a major risk when I decided to get involved with you. And, I think that since we've gotten this far...we should see where life takes us, no matter what the risks are. I wasn't sure back then, and I never thought I would be. But right now, I am absolutely certain that I am in love with you. But I've been wondering if you love me back. Do you feel the same way that I do for you? And is it enough to—"

I used my newfound powers to talk to him through our minds.

"Just say, Will you marry me and let me answer," I told him.

Echo chuckled. "Lennox, will you marry me?"

"Well, when you put it that way...yes, I will marry you."

Echo placed the ring on my finger and pulled me into a long kiss.

"I do love you, I really do," he told me.

"And I love you back just as much, maybe even more...even if you are a manipulative warlock who made me wait five years to hear it from you."

Echo grinned. "At least we got to this stage eventually."


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