Chapter 2

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Kasey's point of view:

Summer went by like a breeze: it passed by fast but it was exciting and thrilling. I had spent well over a most of my summer with Dani and Cat. We were always together. It made me happy and less stressed to know that my new best friends would be with me when school started and I wouldn't be alone. They told me about some of their other friends they hung out with: technically their "clique" but they were all on vacation. Cat and Dani's family didn't go on vacation though and they were kinda bummed about it. But I was happy they didn't go because without them I'd be alone.

(Flash Forward to the beginning of school)

Kaseys pov:

It was the morning of my first day of school and I had no clue what to wear. Last Saturday me Cat and Dani went to the mall and got quite a few new cute outfits for when school started. I had them all laid out on the floor, and I was standing above them annoyed that I couldn't decide what to wear when my phone buzzed:

Group chat:

Cat: you two better be ready when I come to get you. Or I'm leaving your asses:)

Me: I'm okay with that XD I'd enjoy not going to school

Dani: dude same

Cat: lol Okayyyy guys, but I'm serious my mum is fussing at me because she thinks I'm going to be late.

Me: okay well see you when you get here but take your time because I am nowhere near ready

Cat: I'll pick Dani up first so you're fine kasey

Me: thanks babe

Cat: welcome slut

I laughed at her message because I knew she was joking. It probably seems like Cat is mean but that's just her personality, it suited her and it didn't bother me. It was funny actually.

Setting my phone down I groaned and stared at my pile of clothes. I glanced over a gray short sleeved shirt with a laced bottom. I picked it up and put it on. I rummaged through my pile of pants and shorts I found a pair of dark blue jean short shorts with crystals making cute swirly designs on the butt pockets. Now I had to figure out the shoes I was going to wear. I could choose between my white high top converse or my gray sandals that had little gemstones on it. As much as I wanted to wear my converse because they were like apart of me I choose my sandals because they matched better. I walked over to my mirror And examined my outfit of choice. Pleased I looked at my face and studied.

I luckily I inherited my moms sharp jawline and her big brown eyes and small upturned nose. My long brown hair hung at my shoulders in soft light curls that were natural. Considering I had woke up not too long ago the blemishes on my face showed themselves very clearly, and I hated it.I looked closer at my face And wasn't surprised to see the imperfections that lingered on it. Red bumps made themselves known in a very rude way. God I hated my skin; everyone always told me I was beautiful but I just felt like they were saying that to make me feel better because I knew my skin was bad and I absolutely despised it, but thank God for makeup. Makeup was like my lifesaver. If I could I would legit go back in time to when ever the inventor of makeup lived and personally thank them for being alive. I glanced down at the time and about freaked. Cat would get here in ten minutes and I hadn't started my makeup. I began to put concealer on the places that needed it. I blended in my foundation, and added a light flower pedal pink eye shadow to my eyelids that went great with my skin tone. Then I applied a thin line of eyeliner to my top eyelid; I didn't like bottom eyeliner and never wore wings because I always screwed up with it. Eyeliner pissed me off because if both sides weren't identical I had to completely restart, Thankfully this time I did them both even and I carefully swiped mascara through my eyelashes making them fuller and longer. When I lived back in Georgia I wore a lot more makeup but I figured here in Australia I could start new and not walk around school feeling like I'm apart of the circus.

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