Chapter 24

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Kasey's point of view:

"So that's why you and Ashton were kind of hugging up on each other at the hospital!!" Danielle exclaims in for of accepting disbelief.

Cat blushes down at her lap and let's out an embarrassed "yeah" with a smile.

Danielle shifts in her position on my purple comfy chair to look at Cat better.

"Luke and Ash seem perfectly fine though?" She states perplexed. And cat looks up at her and sighs in relief.

"Yeah, thank god." Cat breathed, "I don't have a clue what I would have done if I were to have been the reason they stopped being friends." Her voice trailed off in a worried tone.

"Soooo... are you two like dating now?" Dani continues her string of questions after me and cat had finished explaining everything that had happened while she had been in the hospital.

Cat smirks and looks in my direction, "nah I think we're just like Michael and Kasey at the moment." She laughs and I peep my head around the corner of my room. And give her a raised eyebrow.

"Hey me and Michael have a pretty good thing going, back off miss." I tease and turn back to my computer screen.

"Yeah totallyyy, so when's he going to ask you out?" Cat probes with a sarcastic tone to her voice.

"So am I the new dani?" I giggle, "since Danielle and Calum finally put a bow on it, it's my turn to get those comments?" I roll my eyes and resume scrolling through amazon.

"Maybe.." Dani whispered with a giggle.

I heard my bed shift and the sound of cat walking in my direction.

"Look at you," Cat laughs, "looking up band merch hoddies." I look at her with a 'so what' face and she continues. "Why buy a new hoddie when you could just go steal Michaels?" She grins.

"Shut up I already have." I brag in a 'matter of fact' tone. As I gesture down to the black oversized hoddie that I'm wearing, and smile.

Cat rolls her eyes and walks back to my bed and flops down. She let's out the loudest, longest, and most agonizing groan. She actually sounds like a pig dying of some terminal illness. Me and dani look at each other completely addled and raise our eye brows.

"You.. you good cat?" Dani asked wearily and pokes the groaning girl in the side causing her to screech and flop off my bed, landing on the floor with a "thud'. Me and Danielle burst into laughter as cat just glares at us with a pouty face.

"This is lame." Cat grumbles and pulls put her phone and starts typing something. I shrug and turn back to my computer and pull up 'spodify' I press shuffle on my favorite Playlist and smile at the song that plays first.

"Finders keepers, losers weepers"

The three of us smiled as we sang along. I turned my volume all the way up without regret because we were the only people at my house and who would be for the next three days.

"Welcome to the end of eras
Ice has melted back to life
Done my time and served my sentence
Dress me up and watch me die
If it feels good, tastes good
It must be mine
Dynasty decapitated
You just might see a ghost tonight"

I cannot express to you the love I have for Panic! At the disco.

"And if you don't know now you know"

The three of us grinned and made very intense eye contact. And I suddenly felt sympathy for my dog, Biscuit... I'll apologize to her later about the noise she was about to wittness...


We all stood up and screamed the lyrics and started jumping around like absolute maniacs


I jumped onto my bed and held an invisible microphone in my hand, and Cat grabbed my hairbrush and joined me standing on my bed. We knew Dani was probably recording but we didn't care.


We laughed and screamed and danced the entire song, and by the time the end of the song faded out I was rolling on the floor clutching my stomach from the pain that the constant laughter and caused me. We all three were literally on the verge of peeing ourselves. I actually couldn't move, If I tried to Stand up I would probably end up peeing myself. Cat and Dani were holding themselves still laughing, slowly waddling their way to my bedroom door basically In tears.

"I can't fucking movveeee." I groaned between laughs

"Come onnnn, Kasey were going to piss ourselves." Dani giggled and I forced myself to stand up. I swear my bladder was punching me from the inside and it was screaming. Wiping my face I clamped my knees and thighs together and made my attempt to waddle over to them.

We were literally a trio of waddling penguins all trying to make our way to the bathroom at the same time.

Cat was the first one to step down onto the steps and I heard Dani start to giggle.

"DANI STOP!" Cat shouted knowing she would start a chain reaction if she continued to laugh. Dani immediately covered her mouth.

One foot after the other we waddle down the steps at an agonizingly slow speed. And after a few seconds of utter silence Dani began to laugh again.

Dammit Dani...

Don't do it Kasey!

I couldn't help it, a tiny bubbly had started to grow in my stomach until I was gigging along. We looked so stupid.

I had to voice my dumb thoughts...

"We look like three penguin space Cadets, walking down these fucking stairs."

Then the eruption of Cats cackle virtually shook the house. Followed by the domino effect of our laughter.

I literally slipped and fell on my ass, sliding all the way down the stairs unable to breathe.

That's when I felt it....

Something warm uncontrollably leaked out of me and shook my head in utter disappointment at my very weak " Chihuahua" like bladder.

Then the door bell rang.

SHIT I mentally screamed. And the three of us tumbled out of my stairwell.

"I will get that." Cat trotted over to my door as if nothing had happend.

Hopefully she didn't see that I just peed myself...

"Hello boys." Cat greeted and I looked up horrified. All four boys were standing in my doorway.

"I invited them Kasey." Cat winked.

I couldn't move.. I sat on my floor right outside my staircase in my little puddle mortified.

"What the fuck were we just listening to you guys do?" Calum asked as they all piled inside my home.. Michael gave me a questioning look, probably because I was just sitting on the floor but I looked away.

"Dani," I whispered getting her attention., "please help..."

"OH MY GOD KASEY PEED HERSELF." She and cat burst into laughter and I wanted to scream. I actually wanted to crawl into a hole and die. I avoided looking in the direction of the boys.

"This party is off to a great start isn't it?" Cat laughed and my head fell into my hands.

Fuck you bladder..

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