Chapter 21

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Kasey's point of view:

"Me and Luke broke up." Cat cries into my shoulder.

I gasp.

"WHAT?!" I screech unable to completely comprehend the words that just came out of her mouth. Cat sniffs as more tears pour out of her swollen, puffy red eyes.

"Yeah.." she chokes, unlatching her arms from around me. Without thinking I grab her wrist and pull her upstairs to my room.

I shut the door behind us and we jump onto my bed. I reach over to my nightstand and grab a box of tissues and set them between us. Instinctively cat snatches a couple tissues and wipes her eyes, soaking the thing fabric with wet, black tinted tear stains from her mascara.

"So what happened?" I ask, hoping she's ready to talk about it. She sets down her tissue and looks up at me with sad eyes.

"So you remember that party we went to last weekend...?" She asks and I nod. Of course I do.

"Well me and Luke have been pretty distant since then.." she trails off and picks up another tissue.

I sigh, "why? What happened at the party?" I question quietly hoping I'm not annoying her with my questions.

Her gaze falls to her lap and I see a tear roll down her cheek before it softly falls down and soaks into my blanket. I hear her whimper before responding.

"I kissed Ashton..." she whispers so quietly I almost don't hear her. Did I hear her right??

"Did he kiss back?" I ask bluntly not even meaning to ask.

She nodded.

"Wait weren't you drunk or something? How did Luke find out? You both had to of been drunk." I can't control my mouth. My head is spinning and I can't exactly wrap my mind around this.

"Luke's the one who caught us..." she trails off and I pull her into another hug because I don't know what to say.

How did I miss all of this?!

"Ash was drunk, I saw him drinking." I blurt out remembering him holding a red solo cup as he talked to everyone.

"Kasey, Ashton doesn't drink... He was holding the cup of beer but he wasn't drinking it.... He always does that." She coughs grabbing yet another tissue, and wiping her nose.

"But you were!" I semi-shout, "Luke knows your wild side, we all do! I mean I get why he would be mad but he knows you were drunk... He should of just talked to you about it instead of breaking up with you and leaving your heart broken!" My anger rages at Luke... He knows Cat will do some pretty stupid shit when she's drunk... It's happened before quite a few times.

"He didn't break up with me Kasey.... I broke up with him.." I stare at her in disbelief and she looks me directly in the eyes and let's out a deep breath.

I can't speak... But they were so in love... She really loved him and he really loved her... I was dumbfounded.

Cat senses my perplexion and continues.

"Want me to tell you everything?" She askes.

"Um yeah." I cross. What kind of question was that? Of course I do.

Cat takes a deep breath before starting.

"So you don't know this but I've been going over to Ashton's place when I feel upset a lot lately. And he's always there for me. I mean don't get me wrong Luke was always there for me too but there's just something about Ashton that I can't get away from. Like I don't know why but I just found myself making up reasons just to be able to go see him. I know what youre thinking, No we've never done anything sexual but we kissed once on his back porch. That ended with me sprinting out of there Hella fast because I felt so bad that I kissed one of MY boyfriends best mates.. anyway yeah I was drunk at that party, and kissed Ashton. But I don't regret it. I wanted it, and I still do. Luke is an amazing boy and what we had WAS real, but it wasn't the best for us. I was always hurting him. I'm not good for him Kasey, because of me his mum doesn't trust him. Half the time he says he feels more like a baby sitter than a boyfriend. He's too good for me. The only reason I'm so upset right now is because I know I hurt Luke." She finishes with more tears rolling down her face. I pull her into another tight hug.

"How did he take it?" I ask quietly.

"Well he just came over after I hadn't seen him in a few days, and he wouldn't even look me in the eyes... so we sat down and talked everything out, I told him we both know that we aren't good for each other and it's not good for us to just keep ignoring each other like this. He agreed. I told him it's probably best if we broke up because this is no longer a healthy relationship. He agreed again and gave me a big hug and told me not to worry about loosing his friendship because he would always be here for me no matter what. He also said he always knew that Ashton liked me and that if me and him ever broke up, he knew ash would probably be a better fit for me anyway." She sighed and started biting her fingernails.

"But what about Luke and ash? Are they okay?" I ask worried because I feel like our group is about to be ripped apart.

"Luke says not to worry, Ash is always going to be his brother and no girl would change that no matter what, he just needs some time, it'll be a bit before things feel right again." She answered biting her lip.

"So are you okay?" I ask her with questioning eyes.

"I mean yeah.... now I am that I got all of that out." She looks up at me reassuringly.


"Im sorry." She murmurs as she looks out my window not focusing on anything in particular, just looking.

"Why are you sorry?" I ask. She didn't do anything wrong to me.

"I'm just a horrible person.." she breaths and looks down at her lap avoiding my gaze.

"okay, number one: That is a lie, and number two: THAT. IS. A. LIE." I joke because she's far from that. "You don't give yourself as much credit as you deserve. Yeah we all have fucked up lives but hey! We're still a team. If you were a horrible person you wouldn't have all these amazing people in your life. We're always here for you no matter what cat. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING is going to change that." I tackle her into another hug, and she smiles.

"Thank you." She says hugging back tightly, "really, Kasey, thank you."

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