About the Character Lora Jenner and her Family

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This is just a short description about the character Lora Jenner and her family sorry if it's not good I just came up with this idea today so it's a little rough around the edges. I will probably change some details later on. 

Lora Jenner is 27 years old.(A/N no I won't say her full name this whole story) Her father is Edwin Jenner her mother is Candance Jenner. Edwin is 49 and Candance 48, They got married at a young age  Edwin was 20 and Candance was 19.They had Lora when Edwin was 21 and Candance was 20. They both love Lora to the moon and back, They both want her to be a doctor from the moment she turns 6. When Lora got old enough she wanted to be a Guitarist/Singer but Lora doesn't want to disappoint her parents.  She takes the path to be a doctor but secretly is taking guitar lessons. When she turned 13 she got a bow and arrow from her one fathers friends. She knows she can't tell her parents they will take it away from her. Starting from the day she gets the bow she tells her parents that she is going to the 'Library' instead of really going to the library she goes to Marks house (The man who gave her the bow) he teaches her to use the bow and each time she hits a bulls eye he teaches her a new note on the guitar. She does this almost everyday and she loves Marks so much its were she can be her true self. On her 20th birthday Mark gives her a pistol he also teaches her how to use the pistol.  When she is 26 she has basically mastered the guitar, bow and pistol. Lora also gets her PhD much to her parents liking.

 Okay this is starting the day that Rick and Co leave for the CDC thanks for reading I'll try to get the first chapter up today at latest tomorrow. 

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