Chapter 4 All That's Left

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+Loras POV+

I stare out the window as Dale drives the RV. Shane said it was best if we went to Fort Bennett everyone else agreed. I look down at my bag and remember the family photo that my Dad gave me. I reach down and grab my bag and pull it onto my lap. I unzip the front pocket and search around for the photo.




Ah the picture I pull it out from the bag and then zip the bag back up and let it fall back at my feet. I stare at the photo looking at my Mom Dad and I's smiling faces. I smile at the memory we were at the jungle about to zip line my Mom was terrified a monkey would land on her or she would hit a tree. But she did it for my Dad and I. Dad was so exited to zip line as was I. I flip the photo over to see the date but there is a note. 

Dearest Lora,

If your reading this that means your Father and I either aren't here or not there at the moment. We both want to say we love you so much, don't destroy you're self from the inside thinking of how we aren't there any more/ at the moment just remember the happy memories and the joy we brought each other. 

Much love Mother and Father

My eyes started to tear up as a smile spread across my face. My Mom was right I can't keep dwelling on the fact they aren't here any more I just have to remember all the joy and great memories that we all shared plus I can't put these people at risk with me being all sad and depressed. I look up from the photo and see Shane cleaning his gun mine could probably be cleaned I don't even what to know how bad it is. I turn around in the chair and see Glenn standing behind me T-Dog's standing a little behind him  I smile at him.

"Hi Glenn." I say he looks at me confused he probably thinks I'm insane for smiling a day after my Dad just died.

 "No offense but how are you happy?" He asked me. I hand him the photo he looks at the photo for a bit.

"That was when we were in the jungle we were about to go zip lining. Oh and flip it over." I say Glenn nods and flip the photo over I see his eyes moving side to side reading the page.

"Oh that's sweet." Glenn said smiling back at me then all of a sudden the RV came to a stop my head went jolting forward. 

"Dale why did we stop?" I ask as I stand up and start to walk over to the front of the RV. Then I stop as I reach Dale and I can see out the front window.

"Oh." Was all I could say as I see the vehicles blocking the road. Then I hear a motor cycle riding up beside the RV.

"Do you see a way around?" I yell out the window to Daryl he nods and motions for us to follow him. His motor cycle moves out in front and Dale starts to follow Daryl in the RV. I 'm not even looking at the cars but I found myself looking at Daryl's muscles.

God Damn I'm such a creep it's just Daryl is a very attractive man...

Okay I need to stop I'm getting even more creepy..

Then some thing explodes at the front of the RV I jump a little bit god that scared the shit out of me steam is leaking out of the RV Dale pulls the RV to a stop and he sighs. Dale stands up and walks out of the RV I stand up and follow closely behind him. I walk out and see Dale I run up to him.

"I said it didn't I say it? Thousand times." Dale says as he walks to the front of the RV.

"Problem Dale?" Shane asks as he walks around to the front of the RV as well.

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