Chapter 2 The New Folks

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+Lora's POV+

Me and my Dad finish our sandwich's and I hand my plate to him as I grab our cups. We both clean the dishes in the sink that's in the bathroom of the CDC.

"Dad I'm going to take a shower." I say and Dad nods and takes the clean cups from my hands and walks out of my bathroom to go and put the dishes away. I slip my clothes off and make sure the door is locked. I turn on the shower to medium heat And wait for minute for the shower to be just the right amount of hot and cold. I stick my hand into the water stream to check if the heat is right and it is. Then I step into the shower and start to wash off my dirty body.

+After she showers+

I step out of the shower freshly cleaned and I wrap the towel in my hair and grab my back up towel and start to dry my body. When I'm clean I take the towel out from my hair and put my bra and under ware on then my clothes from earlier today. I run out of my room and down the hallway to the main room of the CDC. I see my Dad asleep in his chair in front of his glowing monitor. I chuckle lightly to my self as I walk over to him and try to pick him up to move him to his room. I quickly give up on that seeing as he is twice my body weight then I realize that his chair has wheels. So I start to push him across the room I stop and open the doors then quickly push him through before the doors close. Then I push him down the hall way to his room I open the door and push him over to his bed then I roll him onto his bed. His face is mushed in the pillow but it works I think as I stand back to admire my work. I start to push the chair down the hallway as fast as I can run without falling on my ass. I get to the doors and run through them and roll the chair to the computer and pop my butt in the chair.

"V show me the picture of Mom, Dad and me at the jungle when we were zip lining." I say to the robot in the walls. The picture of us at the jungle pop's up onto the screen. I smile as I see my Mom, Dad and I zip lining through the trees. Mom was terrified that a monkey was gonna land on her and shit all over her. I laugh out loud at the memory.

"That day was awesome you were so antsy to zip line and your Mom just wanted to go to the zoo." I hear a voice say I turn around and see my Dad leaning against the doorway.

"Damn it I was hoping you would sleep." I say as my Dad walked over and stood next to me wrapping his arms around my shoulders staring at the picture.

"We have visitors at the front door." V says her robotic voice echoing through the room. My Dad quickly sits down in the chair and turning on the monitor he flips to the security camera in the from and I see a mans face right up against the camera I jolted the image startling me and I bumped my Dad's hand and it moved the camera. I see another man with long curly hair start talking to the other man try to pull him away but the man pointed to the camera.

"Sorry Dad." I say looking at my feet. He looks up reassuringly.

"Its fine." He says before looking back at the monitor I look back also the people were shooting at the monsters they were cornered.

"Dad we have to let them in they will die out there." I say frantically I don't want anyone to die.

"That's against the rules and you know it." He replied in his don't' argue with me voice.

"Mom would want you to open those doors." I say I know it's a low blow but I can't have anyone else getting killed because of me. My Dad considers then he grabs a gun and runs towards the door and motions for me to stay there he stands in fount of the elevator then steps in as soon as it open. The second it closes I run to my room as fast as I can and shove my bed run across my room grab the screw driver and unscrew the screws in the floor grab my holster and my gun and shove the gun inside of the holster then I cover the holster with my shirt so my Dad won't see. I re screw the piece of floor and shove my bed back over the coverd hole. I go across the room to shove my screw driver then I grab my hunting knife and its sheath I shove the knife into the sheave then Velcro the sheath around my leg.  I close my bag and run back into the main room and see new people.

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