Chapter 7 Old Friends

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Some scenes are skipped, just telling you now. :) 

+Loras POV+

I feel like i'm being carried by someone...wait what even happened and why does my shoulder hurt so much.

Oh right I got shot.I open my eyes at first blinded by light quickly closing them. I try again and see Shane's face is he carrying me? Damn I was hoping it would be Daryl.....hey a girl can dream right.

"Hey I can walk." I say my voice sounding dry and horse Shane looked down at me and continues running.

"Well we aren't walking we are running, I'll inform you when we get to the farm."He reply's.

"Ug."Is all I can say to reply  I'd rather not be carried for Shane, I try to cross my arms but a burning pain shoots through my right shoulder and I let it go limp again. Then I realize my hands fell really close to Shane's um......... I quickly move it back onto my lap Shane looks at me and smirks I shoot him a disgusted look back. I look ahead of me and see a farm it looks familiar but it can't be his farm I mean that would be crazy.  

"HERSHEL!"I look over and see a man in hunting clothes. I assume the man who shot Carl and myself. Wait he looks like Otis it can't be him though he would have been with Hershel's farm and this can't be his farm I look ahead and and see Hershel I remember him from when I would always come over and visit Beth Maggie and Shawn my face lights up as I think that they could be alive and I could see them again. As Shane reaches Hershel I basically jump out of his arms I run towards Hershel I see his face light up with happiness and disbelief. As I reach him he wraps me in a hug and I hug back.

"I can't believe you're alive." I say into his shoulder he squeezes harder in the hug then lets go I see his eyes falling on my shoulder he must see the blood seeping from the bullet wound and seeping into my shirt sleeve. 

"What happened?" He ask's.

"Oh uh Otis accidentally shot Carl in myself."I look back at Shane Rick and Carl. I see Carl laying limp in Ricks hands. I gasp as I see the massive amount of blood coming out of his abdomen.

"Lora is that you?" I hear a voice I turn around and gasp. I see Maggie, My childhood friend I smile remembering the great times her Shawn Beth and I shared before the world changed. I ran over to her and wrapped her in a hug she stood shocked for a second.

"I missed you so much Mag's." I say smiling at her as she releases me from the hug. Maggie pats my shoulder, the one that got shot.

"Owwww."I whimper.Maggie looks at my shoulder and her eyes grow wide then she looks behind me,and I assume she sees Carl laying limp in Ricks arms, Cause her eyes grow wider if even possible. 

"What happened?" Maggie asked.

"Uh Otis accidentally shot me and the bullet went through the deer into Carl's abdomen." I reply then I remember what we need to do. "Oh we need to get ready to extract the bullet from Carl's abdomen..If it didn't go straight through."  I say trailing off at the end.

"Oh Right, PATRICA GET A ROOM READY FOR OPERATION PLEASE." Maggie says yelling the last part as she runs to the door of the house. Maggie stops motioning for us to follow her. I quickly run after her and I hear the foot steps of everyone else behind. Maggie runs up the stairs and I follow I expect to see Shawn upstairs somewhere but he isn't there I'll ask Maggie later.

(A/N I have nooooo clue about medical shit I mean i'm only 13 soo cut me some slack)

"Okay we need some things to do the operation."Hershel says I nod in agreement. Maggie opens the door into the spare room I run in then Rick who lays Carl down on the bed I see Beth run in with a IV.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2016 ⏰

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