Chapter 5 Lost One

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+Loras POV+

Oh god I hope the rest of the group is okay. I can only see Rick,Sophia,Carol,Lori and Carl. I look around under the car and I don't see and more undead feet I turn my head to Sophia and see her climbing out from under the car.  I begin to climb out from the car as I hear Sophia scream I pull the rest of my body out from under the car I stand up and see Sophia running into the woods with 5 walkers on her tail. Without thinking for my safety I begin to chase after her I hear other foot steps behind me I guess someone else is chasing after her. After a  minute or two I begin to pant.


No I HATE my asthma. I ignore my panting and continue to chase after Sophia. I see Rick cut in front of me to get to Sophia. Okay at least it wasn't Shane who was behind me. I turn to follow Rick I see him holding Sophia.

"Shoot them!" Sophia says in a panicked voice while reaching for his gun.

"No the walkers on the road would hear it. Then it wouldn't be just five it would be hundreds."Rick reply's as he scoops up Sophia in his arms. Then he turns around and begins to run the opposite direction from where I was standing. I can't catch a brake today can I? I catch my breath then chase after them I jump into a creek after Rick and Sophia. Rick walks over to a hole in the side of the creek wall coverd by tree roots.

"Sophia you have to do as I say. Hide in there squeeze in tight and me and Lora will draw them away."Rick says motioning to words the hole.

"No don't leave me!" Sophia says I can hear the fear in her voice.

"Listen Sophia hide there and we will come back for you okay this is how all of us survive this." I say stepping next to Sophia and placing my hand on her shoulder. After I finish talking I lightly push her towards the hole. 

"Run back towards the highway if we aren't back within a minute or two. Always keep the sun on your left shoulder." Rick says just as he finishes talking I hear sticks snap and the crunch of leaves. I look up and see the 5 walkers.

"Come on you sons of a bitch!"Rick yells at the walkers flicking water at the walkers they fall down into the creek. I turn and begin to run with Rick next to me I can hear the walkers running behind us hungry for a fresh meal. I trip over a root in the creek and scramble back onto my feet I speed up slightly to catch up to Rick. We run out of the creek onto land after a bit of running I hide behind a tree and Rick hides behind a tree across from me. I hear the walkers walking up to my tree I pull it towards me and stab it in the head with my knife. Rick does the same with a walker on his side except with a rock. Another walker walks up towards Rick and two walk over towards me.

I stab on in the head and I simultaneously kick the walker down on its ass. When the walker I stabbed falls to the ground I turn around and stab the other walker in the head. When it's dead I put my hands on my knees and begin to pant. This is about the time I would sneakily take a breath out of my inhaler. I hear someone walk over to me I bolt up and see its Rick I slightly bend over to catch my breath.

"Are you okay?" Rick asks putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah... I'm fine."I reply as I catch my breath and fully stand up and smile at Rick he smiles back."Lets go get Sophia." Rick nods as we start to walk towards were Sophia is.

+Time skip to after they get back to the highway and Glenn,Daryl,Shane and Rick are looking for Sophia+

I pry open another trunk and see a bag I grab the bag and unzip it and pull out 4 granola bars and a bit of random fishing line I shove the fishing line into my pocket and walk over to Lori,Carol and Carl . 

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