Making Friends

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I was searching for an empty compartment but there was none so I looked for a compartment that there would be one or two kids in it.


I opened a door and five girls stared at me. I was about to close the door and keep searching but a girl with dark brown hair said

"Come in! There's enough space for you too!"
"Yes, come in!" a blonde gorl made some space and I sat between her and another girl.
Thank you" I said politely.
"I'm Susan Bones" the girl with the brown hair introduced herself.
"And I am Hanna Abbot" the blonde girl next to me said
"I'm Padma Patil and this is my sister Parvati" the girl on my left siad
"Lavender Brown" said the girl opposite to me
"I'm... really happy meeting you all. My name is Allison Dursley" I tried to be friendly and cool.

"Did you hear the news? They say Harry Potter is on the train!"Hanna announced
"Harry Potter!" repeated Lavender in surprise
"Really?" Padma asked.

They started talking about the-boy-who-lived as he was a godess. I didn't pay attention my family had done so many horrible things to him and these girls, these people talked about my cousin so kindly.

"Allison" Susan's voice held me out of my thoughts. "Were you listening to me?" All five girls were now staring at me. I must have been thinking for a long time because the conversation had been clearly changed.
"Sorry, I... was lost in my thoughts. Could you please repeat what you were saying?"
"I asked if you knew in which house you'll be sorted."
"No, I have no idea" I answered truthfully.
"Parvati will be in Gryffindor" Padma informed us.
"Well you can't be sure until the Sorting Ceremony" Parvati said
"Many members of my family were in Hufflepuff but I don't know" said Susan
"I want to be in Ravenclaw" said Padma
"Anywhere except Slytherin" said Lavender in terror and all the girls gasped.
"Why?" I asked
"They say all the evil witches and wizards are sorted into Slytherin and they were You-Know-Who supporters" Hannah explained.

In midday a woman with a trolley came. The five girls got up and brought sweets and pasties.

"Would you like anything dear?" the woman asked me

"No thank you" I refused . I didn't have any gold but I had prepared two sandwiches (without anyone at home know). I had forgotten to give Harry his and now he would have already bought food from the trolley. :(

The girls were very nice, they let me taste everything and we spent a lovely afternoon I learnt about a group cold The weird Sisters and I read about famous witches and wizards in the chocolate frog's cards the girls owned. We changed in our school robes and then the compartment door opened.

"Sorry" a round-faced boy said

"Has anyone seen a toad?" asked the girl next to him

"No" we answered.

The boy looked disappointed

"But if we see one we'll let you know" I added to confort him

"Thanks" he said smiling and they left.

Susan and Hannah informed us about somebody broke into an ancient vault in gringgotts the day I had visited Diagon Alley. Apparently nothig was stolen because the vault had been empied earlier that day.

A voice echoed the train 'We'll be reaching Hogwarts in five minutes time. Please leave your luggageon the train it will be taken to school separately.'

Everyone got off the train talking loudly but I heard Hagrid's voice clearly

"First years! First years over here!" he waved at me and continued calling first years

"All right there Harry?" he asked when he spotted my cousin and I turned to see him."C'mon, follow me- any more first years?"

We followed Hagrid on the edge of the dark lake and we looked at our new school for the first time. Gorgeous! It was an ancient castle, the most beautiful castle I have ever seen.

"No more'n four to a boat!" Hagrid advised us. Susan and Hannah offered to leave Parvati, Padma, Lavender and me and went in the next boat with two boys.

"Everyone in? Right then - FORWARD!"

The boats listened to the gamekeeper and started gliding across the dark lake. Everybody looked at the castle as we approached. The waters were silent and all first years admired Hogwarts without talking. We walked for a while (I was looking the castle all the way; this was my new life) until we reached a first and Hagrid knocked three times on the castle door.

I cannot express my emotions in that moment. I was feeling grateful for the scholarship, happy for being there, excited because I wanted to see more, nervous, anxious and finally sad; because coming to that school meant that I will always be nothing to my family.


Thanks for everyone who votes and comments on this book. It means the world to me.

See you soon!


This chapter is for smiling_is_perfect, my BFF❤

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