flying lessons

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Hogwarts was huge. It took me months to learn how not to get lost. The poltergeist Peeves was a pain in the neck. Everytime, I was coming across him he didn't miss a chance to tease and trick me. The ghosts didn't stop surprising you every time they poped out a wall and there were also the caretaker Argus Filch and his cat, Mrs Morris. Both of them wondered around the castle day and night and they were never loosing the opportunity to give detention.

My cousin and I hadn't managed to talk he was always around other students who admired the-boy-who-lived. He was doing really well I could tell he hanged around with the youngest Weasley boy, Ronald. I was just so happy for him. He had friends and he was doing just fine without any Dursleys.

Hufflepuffs were great. Older students didn't hesitate to help younger with their homework and we were studying in large groups of students. I think the best word to describe us was "united". The weirdest thing was that everyone seemed to like me.

The lessons were very interesting and every teacher was very demanding. History was boring and I found myself daydreaming really easily during professors Binn's class. Prof. Sprout was as nice as I was told. I admired prof. McGonagald for how just and fair she was. Astronomy was very difficult for me but older students like Eliza were always willing to help me. Prof. Quirrell wasn't a good teacher as I was expecting. The classroom stinked and that made it difficult to concentrate. But my worst subject was Potions. Professor Snape disliked us all but for some reason he hated me! The moment I stepped in his classroom in the dungeons I realised it and he didn't try to hide it at all.
"I didn't have a worst student in my life" But Justin for example was worse than me.

Finally there was this kid, Draco Malfoy, who I couldn't stop myself from hating him. He was so much like Dudley. He bullied kids, he disliked Harry and all first years were afraid of him.

On Wednesday Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw had our first flying lesson. It was quite cool actually. When I was a little girl I used to look at the sky and dream how it is... flying. So I was excited. When madam Hooch whistled we kicked off the ground and while I was in the air I didn't feel frightened or scared I was not even excited anymore. It felt like my natural habitat like I was familiar to the high and the wind like I was familiar to.. flying. Anyway flying lessons became my favourite subject.

Next day at dinner time I was sitting on the Hufflepuff table with Hanna, Ernie, Megan, Zacharias, Susan and Justin chatting with some third years when I accidentally overheard Malfoy talking to his friends

"I bet Potter is having his last dinner and he is leaving soon for the muggle world where he belongs."


I looked at the Gryffindor table desperately trying to spot my cousin. There, he was siting next to Ron and talking to girl I barely knew, Hermione Granger.

"Are you alright Allison? You look pale a third" year boy, Cedric Diggory asked me

"Ι... 'm fine, thank you" I lied

I didn't want anything to eat anymore so I said good night and left the Great Hall. I hided behind an armour and waited. When Harry and his friend came out the corridor was deserted

"Ι need to talk to you" I said looking anxious
"Ron I'll see you in the common room"
I made sure Ron was out of sight
"Tell me that it isn't true" Ι begged him.
"What is true?"
"Υou haven't been expelled, have you?" He opened his mouth to reply but I cut him. "I'll leave with you. There no point staying if you aren't here."
"Αllison keep calm I haven't been expelled. Who told you that?"
I felt great relief.
"Ι overheard Malfoy"

He explained to me what happened during his first flying lesson and that he is going to be in the Gryffindor Quidditch team.
"Would you really leave with me?" He asked and I nobbed. "Malfoy challenged me to a duel at midnight."
"What?" I had read about wizards' duels, Ron would apparently be his second.
"Would you like me to come for support?"
I knew that this meant I had to break a lot of rules and it was dangerous for my scholarship but Harry was more important.
"But what about your scholarship?"
"Where are you meeting him?" I asked ignoring his question
"Trophy Room"
"I  will be there." I announced and stood up.
"This means we can talk to each other?" He sat up too.
"Of course we can I would just prefer of people didn't know we are relatives, you have a huge fan club."
"I understand. I won't tell anyone not even Ron."
"Thank you" I hugged him
"I'll see you in a couple of hours!" He said while he started walking up the marble staircase
"Yeah, see you!" I said and kept walking in a deserted corridor.


At half past eleven I made sure that the girls in the dorm were sleeping and I got up. I checked the common room was empty and got out in the corridor. For a moment the thought of going back to bed came over me but I had said I would be there. So I hurried all the fear of being caught deep inside me and headed to the trophy room. No one was there yet. I waited staring at the door nervously. When it opened I jumped. Harry and Ron were accompanied by Hermione Granger and Neville Longbottom.
"What is she doing here?" She asked
"I was waiting for these two" I answered
"Keep your voices down!" Ron whispered

We waited... And waited... They were late!

We heard a noise coming from the next room and it made us all jump.
"Sniff around my sweet they might be lurking in a corner, we heard Flitch's voice and he wasn't alone he was with his cat. They are here somewhere probably hiding."
We exchanged terrified looks. "What are we going to do"
"This way" we had to get out of there before we got in trouble.
I was in front of everyone so I don't know what happened I just heard a loud noise of something falling unfortunately so did the caretaker
"Run!" Harry yelled there was no reason to be silent he knew we were there. He was leading us and I bet he had no idea where we were going. It didn't matter though because all we wanted was Flitch not to catch us.

We reached the Charm's classroom and hide to take a breath.
"I think he lost us"stated Harry
"I told you I told you" gasped Hermione
"We have to get back to Gryffindor Tower quickly as possible" said Ron
"Let's go" said Harry and made some steps to the door. We all walked out and in the corridor rapidly and silently.
"Where are you going?" Hermione asked me.
"I'm not leaving you until you are safely in your common room" By you I meant Harry.
"You can't do that! What about next? You'll return to your common room all alone with Filch and Mrs Morris search I the castle?"
It sounded quite scary but there was no way I go to my bed unless I knew my cousin was safely in his.
"I'm not going anywhere until I make sure you four are in your dormitories, end of discussion!"

But the moment I ended my phrase Peeves got out a classroom.

Good luck to your exams everybody! I start with maths what about you?

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