-chapter two-

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"Today's the day." Phil said as he looked in the mirror. "The first day out of many." Ryan reminded while straightening Phil's tie. Phil sighed but smiled once he saw his hair in the reflection. His parents finally let him get the hair style he has always wanted. He dyed it black and got it cut so it he had a fringe swept to the right, slightly covering his eye. "Why must I do this again?" Phil said as he turned to face Ryan. "Because the it's the royal rules." Ryan replied. Phil just sighed again. "Listen, personally I think it's a shit rule but I'm just a butler here and I don't have opinions." Ryan said smiling slightly. "Shh! Someone could have heard you say that and you would have lost your job!" Phil whispered. Ryan just shrugged "I don't really care to tell you the truth. I'd love to get out of this hell." "You're my only friend here Ryan, I need you here to keep me sane." Phil said. Ryan just giggled in reply. "Come on Prince Philip, the ladies are waiting!" Ryan said fixing Phil's hair quickly before opening the bedroom door. "How many times must I tell you this, never call me Phillip, George." Phil said as he passed Ryan out the door. Ryan frowned and Phil giggled.

"Oh son, you look so handsome!" Phil's mother said as Phil came down the stairs. "Thanks mum." Phil replied. "You'd look better without that ridiculous haircut." His father mumbled. Phil just rolled his eyes at him and joined his mother at the door. "Are you ready sweetie?" His mother asked. "Ready as I'll ever be." Phil said blandly. His mum sighed "Listen darling, I'm sure there is someone out there you'll fall for in no time!" Phil just nodded. He glanced over at Ryan, Ryan gave him a smile and thumbs up. "Remember, tonight we'll be having a ball and will be inviting all the lovely Princesses so you can talk to them more." Phil's mum said. "How would I forget?" Phil said while rolling his eyes. His mother just shook her head. "Just go out there and talk to them." His father said. The doors opened and Phil stepped out to be greeted with lots of smiling faces with too much makeup on. Phil sighed and made his way along the long line of woman.

"Hello Prince Philip!" "Oh Prince Philip, you're looking so handsome today!" "I'd love to be your wife Prince Philip!" Phil was starting to lose his mind. Every girl he went to twirled their hair, battered their eyelashes and flirted with him like the world depended on it. He came to a girl who had blue hair, she was wearing a bright pink poofy dress with...converses? She had a pink bag that was slung over her shoulder with a pair of pink high heals stuffed into it. 'She must have changed her shoes' Phil thought to himself. "Hey." The girl said. "Hi." Phil replied. To be honest, this girl kind of scared him. She just seemed so... confident and out there. "Do you even want to be doing this?" She said breaking the silence. Phil tilted his head in confusion. "Like doing this whole 'finding-a-wife-at-18' thing?" She said. "Not particularly.." Phil replied. " what about you? I mean finding a husband." Phil asked. "If I was into that sure but I'm not. I'm gay as fuck." She giggled. Phil laughed too although he felt for the girl, he knew what it felt like. "My names Ashley by the way." She said. "Nice to meet you." Phil said. "So Philip-" "Phil." Phil corrected. Ashley nodded and continued "So Phil, has any of these girls caught your eye yet?" Ashleu asked. "Nah, I don't really like girls in that kind of way..." Phil replied. "So youre gay?" Ashley asked. "I-I don't know." Phil replied truthfully. "Okay, see that guy over there?" Ashley said pointing to a boy around Phil's age walking past. Phil nodded. "Whats the first thing you notice about him?" Ashleu asked. "Um...I mean..he's got a pretty good ass..." Phil mumbled. Ashley smirked. "What?" Phil said. "You, my friend, are gay as fuck too." Ashley said giggling. "S-shut up.." Phil said blushing like mad. "Don't worry," Ashley put her arm around Phil's neck "it's our little secret. But good luck with this whole finding a wife bullshit." She said. "Thanks I guess? Anyway I better keep going before my parents think I finally found someone to marry, see you around. Nice to meet you Ashley." Phil said before walking away. "Same to you Phil!" Ashley called back.

ooHHhHhH I really like this story!! I kinda hate this chapter bc it's kinda boring and stuff but eh. I hope you're enjoying this shitty story lmao -beka x

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