-chapter three-

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"Thank fuck that's over!" Phil said as he flopped onto his bed. "So, how did it go?" Ryan called from the bathroom that was connected to Phil's room. "It was okay. I met a girl called Ashley and she told me, and I quote 'you are gay as fuck'" Phil giggled slightly. Ryan laughed "is it true?" He asked as he ran the bath. Phil got off his bed and shrugged "I don't know and I don't really care." Phil replied. He walked into the bathroom to join Ryan. "Well coming from your fellow homosexual, I wouldn't be surprised at all if you are." Ryan said as he added bubbles into the bath. "Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" Phil said crossing his arms. "It means my gayder goes off like crazy when I'm around you." Ryan replied smiling. "Fuck you." Phil replied simply. Ryan just laughed. "Your bath is ready and I'm sorry but your mother told me I have to help you." Ryan said. Phil groaned loudly "Why? I'm not 3 anymore! I think I can fucking bath myself." Ryan shrugged "I don't know but you can't disobey your mum so strip gay boy."

After Ryan finally agreed that Phil was clean enough he got out and got changed. "You know what?" Ryan says randomly. "What?" Phil says after fixing his tie on his tuxedo. He's worn these a lot recently and can't wait to wear skinny jeans and a band shirt much to this disgust of his parents. "If a boy did suck you off it would be a real struggle for him to have you all in his mouth." Ryan said with a smirk. "Seriously, fuck you." Phil said angry but a blush still managed to creep into his face. Ryan burst out laughing but quickly stopped as Phil's mum came in "Ready Philip?" She asked, eyeing Ryan curiously. "Nearly, I'll be down in a minute." Phil replied. His mum nodded and then left. Ryan adjusted his hair in the mirror which was weird for Phil to see because Ryan never cares about his looks, let alone his hair. "Why are you so worried about your looks all of a sudden?" Phil asked rising an eyebrow. "I..er..Brendon's going to be here tonight.." Ryan mumbled as his face turned bright red. "Well if Brendon's going to suck you off it would be no struggle at all to have you all in his mouth." Phil said trying not to burst out laughing. "Seriously, fuck you." Ryan mimicked. They both laughed.

"Hey Phil!" A voice said behind Phil. He turned around to see Ashley smiling at him through the crowd of people. She pushed past people till she reached him. She enveloped him in a tight hug "How's my fellow homosexual?" She snickered. Phil rolled his eyes "Okay I guess, you?" He replied. Ashley shrugged "I'm okay," she lent in and whispered in Phil's ear "but even better now because I'm surrounded by hot girls." Phil giggled. "So what you gunna do tonight? Considering you aren't looking for a wife." Ashley asked. Phil shrugged "I don't really know to tell the truth...eat food?" Ashley laughed "Sounds good."

Phil and Ashley chatted for a while before Ashley left to talk to some 'hot chic' and so Phil was wondering around aimlessly before he spotted Ryan. Ryan waved Phil over so Phil had to zip in between people to reach him. "What's up?" Phil asked ones he made it to Ryan. "Ya know Brendon." Ryan said with a huge grin. "Yeah?" Phil replied. "He asked me to be his boyfriend!!" Ryan practically yelled. "Congrats!" Phil said. He generally was happy for Ryan, he knew how much he liked Brendon. "Ryro!" A voice came from behind them. They turned around to see a boy with brown hair that occasionally flopped down onto his face, brown eyes and a huge grin plastered on his face. "Beebo!!" Ryan called back. They hugged each other tightly like they were never planning on letting go. "This is Brendon." Ryan said introducing Brendon to Phil. "Nice to finally meet the guy who makes Ryan a love sick puppy." Phil said as he shook hands with Brendon. "Nice to meet you too Phil." Brendon replied smiling. "Philip!" A voice echoed from behind them.

aww ryden!! If you didn't catch onto it yet, Ryan is Ryan Ross, old member from Panic! at the disco and Brendon is Brendon Urie current member from Panic! at the disco. Dan and Phil will meet soon and I'm so pumped to write it!! Feed back would be appreciated :) -beka x

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