-chapter seven-

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It was late at night when Phil awoke from his sleep with the need to have a drink. Usually if he needed anything during the night he would call for one of his servants (Phil dreads calling them that) or Ryan but he figured since it was quite late he'd get up himself to get a glass of water. He got out of bed, opened his door and headed to the kitchen. As he walked past his parents room he heard some mumbling. Phil was surprised his parents were awake at this time. He took a few steps past their room but slowly took them back and put his ear against the door. Curiosity got the best of him as he started listening to his parents' conversation. "But he barely has any friends honey." Phil's mum said softly. "So? If he got married he wouldn't be so lonely." His father replied harshly. "How about we try make him become friends with the new servant, Daniel?" His mother suggested. "I don't care. As long as it doesn't become anything more than a friendship." He said, hatred poured into the sentence. That was Phil's cue to stop listening. His parents want him to be friends with Dan? The cute kitchen boy? Yes! Phil then excitedly went back to his room, completely forgetting about the glass of water.  

Phil woke up the next morning to his mother coming into his room. "Oh good, you're awake Philip! Get up and ready, you're going out for the day!" She smiled as she opened the curtains. Phil flinched at the sudden contact with the sun. "Hurry up Philip!" His mother said sternly as she left. Soon as she left Ryan skipped into his room. "You're going to spend a whole day with Dan!!" Ryan said, generally excited for his friend. Phil's eyes widened, that's who he was spending the whole day with? Phil quickly got up and ordered Ryan to help him get ready.

"What do I wear?" Phil said with a panicked expression on his face. "Whatever you feel most comfortable in." Ryan replied. "But-but-" Phil was cut off as Ryan threw a 'Panic! At The Disco' shirt at him. Phil raised an eyebrow "why this one?" "It matches your expression, panicky." Ryan replied while holding a laugh. "Fuck sake." Phil mumbled but he eventually laughed with Ryan.

In the end, Phil did wear the Panic! shirt with black skinny jeans and converses. He assumed since he was having a casual day with Dan, his parents would allow him to wear this type of clothing for once. Ryan had to leave early since he was going out with Brendon. Let's be honest, they're probably going to have sex.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2019 ⏰

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