-chapter five-

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Phil managed to see through the dozens of legs, a open door. Phil stood up shakily and moved as fast as he could to the room. Soon as he reached the room he slammed the door shut and sat behind the door so his back was against it. Phil closes his eyes, he could still hear all the people yelling and shuffling feet. "You right?" A voice says from in font of him. Phil's eyes snapped open, he came face to face with brown eyes. "Oh-er..s-sorry. I d-didn't know..you-I-" "Hey it's fine." The boy says. He sits down next to Phil "You're having a panic attack." The boy says. Phil nods in reply. "I'll be right back, hold on." He says, he gets up and leaves.

It was only a few moments before he came back with headphones. He plugs them into what Phil assumes was his phone and puts them gently on Phil's head. Music starts playing, it was You and I by PVRIS. One of Phil's favourite songs. Phil was lost in the music and in the boys brown eyes. They were a dark, soft brown but had specks of light brown throughout them. After a while of Phil sitting with the mysterious boy and listening to music, Phil starts to feel sleepy. Without Phil really having time to think, he falls asleep on the shoulder of the brown eyed boy.

Phil's eyes flicker open. "Oh looks who's finally awake." A voice says from somewhere around the room. Phil sat up and rubbed his eyes. "R-Ryan?" Phil mumbles. "Well nah bitch. Put your bloody glasses on." Ryan says. "W-what-how-w-when?" Phil says still confused. "Oh that boy with the brown hair? Yeah after you fell asleep he came and got me. I carried you back here. You're a very heavy sleeper, did you know that?" Ryan replies. "Who was he?" Phil asked. Ryan shrugs "Must have been a guest?" Ryan says. Phil goes to reply but is cut off by Ryan "Anyway! You must get up and ready because your mother wants you to go talk the shitty-I mean lovely Princesses again, to get to know them more." Ryan says as he opens Phil's closet and pulls out an outfit. "Ugh, another suit?" Phil groans. "Do you really think your parents will be happy for you to talk to Princesses in black skinny jeans, an mcr shirt, a black hoodie and eyeliner?" Ryan says raising an eyebrow. Phil just rolls his eyes. "Well when I become King, I will wear whatever I want!" Phil says crossing his arms. "In 40 years." Ryan replies blandly. "Shut up." Phil mumbles and rolls out of bed.

"How was last night son?" Phil's mother asks as she gave Phil's dad his coffee. "Great." Phil said plastering a fake smile on his face. "As in it was great to fall asleep in the kitchen and make Ryan carry you to bed?" His father says from behind his newspaper. "I must have been tired from talking to Princess's all day." Phil replied. "Sure, considering I only saw you talk to a couple people. Only one of them being a Princess!" Phil's mum said as she took a seet at the table. "Try harder today Philip. Otherwise your whole music 'collection' will be gone." Phil's dad said sternly. "What!" "No back chatting to your father Philip!" Phil's mum warned. "Yes mum.." Phil sighed and went back up to his room, skipping breakfast.

Hello! It's been so long since I've updated this but Evan ( Evan_loves_art ) told me to update so thank him. I'll try update this more often because I actually really like it :)

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