-chapter four-

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"Philip!" A voice echoed from behind them. Phil turned around to see his mother heading towards them. "Hello mum." Phil said plastering a smile onto his face. "I haven't seen you speaking to any girls yet! The whole reason of this ball is for you to meet someone!" She said. "I've spoken to Ashley!" Phil argued. "Wow! One girl out of hundreds! Philip please!" His mother said. "Yes mum." Phil said as he hung his head. His mum left and returned to wherever she was before. Phil sighed and turned back to Ryan and Brendon. "Well I guess I better get going and start talking to more boring girls." Phil said blandly. "Bye Phil, good luck!" Ryan said as he wrapped his arm around Brendon. Phil smiled sarcastically before leaving.

Phil wondered around looking for a girl with a friendly face but they all looked the same, stuck up. Phil sighed and sat in a seat. He watched as Princesses whispered to each other, glancing over at Phil and giggling flirtatiously. Phil was bored. He just wanted to go back into his room and listen to My Chemical Romance and try to make himself look like 2005 Pete Wentz without any of his parents walking in on him. After a few minutes of Phil sitting alone in silence a cheer came from stage at the front of the hall. A Princess (who was obviously very drunk) jumped onto the stage. "Heyyy everybodyyyy." She slurred. "Who's ready for a paarrrttyyy?" She shouted. The room stayed silent. All of a sudden loud music started blaring from the surround sound speakers. It was some kind of teen music or something but Phil hated it. Why don't they blare Pierce The Veil? Or Muse? Or Black Veil Brides? Anything than this. Phil had heard of this type of music before, dubstep or something. Personally Phil absolutely despised this music. But obviously the other teens didn't and they started dancing and yelling out the lyrics.

There were people everywhere, jumping and cheering. Phil wasn't sure why his parents weren't doing anything to stop this. Phil couldn't take it anymore, he stood up and looking for an exit but was soon pushed along with the crowd. He was surrounded. It felt like the room was closing in. Phil got pushed over and he fell to his hands and knees. By now his breathing had sped up and he was shaking. He was having a panic attack.

Sorry it's kinda shorter...but Phil's so close to meeting Dan and I'm not even ready omfg

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