-chapter six-

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"Come on, it's time to go back down there." Ryan said he fixed Phil's tie. "But I don't want to!" Phil whined. "Dude I let you stay up here longer than you meant to, your parents will get mad if you're not back down there now!" Ryan replied as he opened the door and shoved Phil out. "The sooner you talk to all those Princess's the sooner you can go back into your room." Ryan said as he pushed Phil down the hall way. "Fineeee." Phil moaned as he walked down the stairs. "Have fun!" Ryan said from the top of the stairs. Phil just flipped him off and continued walking down the stairs.

Phil's parents had chosen some Princesses that they thought Phil might take interest in. Phil walked into the "feast hall thingy", phil was never really sure what it was actually called. It was basically a huge room where if they had a large amount of guests over for afternoon tea they would set up tables inside, it was like a second ball room in a way. When Phil walked in he was greeted with multiple tables set up nicely and a Princess sitting at each one. He scanned along the tables, he came to one who had Ashley sitting at one. She gave him a smile as he walked over to her and took a seat.

"Nice to see you here." Phil said with a over dramatic smile. "Oh yes, I'm trilled to be here gorgeous, handsome, beautiful, wonderfully Prince Philip!" Ashley replied sarcastically. Phil and Ashley laughed together till a young lady came over. "Tea?" She asked as she took a teapot off the tray next to her. Phil and Ashley nodded and thanked her as she poured the tea. As the lady turned around to leave Phil noticed it was the boy who helped last night who was carrying the tray. Phil blushed and quickly looked away. Ashley looked at Phil and raised an eyebrow."What?" Phil asked. "I can't pretend I didn't see that. You like him don't you?" She asked with a smirk. "What? No, why would you even suggest that how-" "Don't give me that shit Philip," She said sternly "I saw the way you looked at him." "S-shut up.." Phil mumbled.

Phil and Ashley spoke for a while, Phil then politely excused himself and went to the toilets (mainly to get some alone time before he had to begin talking to the rest of the Princesses) Phil opened the door to the male toilets, now you may wonder, what do toilets look like in a palace? Well it's like your average public toilets, the only real difference is that male toilets all have cubicles which Phil is grateful for. He can't imagine why people would be fine just to piss beside people out in the open. The other difference is they are way cleaner, obviously. So Phil stepped into the toilets to see one cubicle door shut which meant someone was inside it. Before Phil had walked into a cubicle, the door the of the once shut cubicle door opened. Out stepped the brown haired boy from before, in a skirt?

The boys eyes met with Phil and panic spread across his face. "It was a dare!" The boy blurts. "Oh okay." Phil replied. They stood in a silence for a while till Phil broke it, "pity, looks hot on you." The boys eyes lit up and a small smile sneaked onto his face. "Thanks." He said as a blush crept up his cheeks. "My names Dan, by the way.." The boy, whose name was Dan, said smiling. "I'm Phil." Phil replied. "Should I call you Prince Philip or-" "just Phil." Phil interrupted. "Okay, just Phil." Dan said with a smirk. Phil laughed at the cringey dad joke, Dan joined him laughing. "Well I best be going." Dan said as he picked up a bag from behind him. "Alright, talk you later?" Phil asked with hope Dan would say yes. "Of course!" Dan replied with a smile which made his dimple stand out. Phil internally awed at Dan cute lil' dimple as Dan left the toilets.

Eventually Phil left the toilets but he had to use all his willpower to do so because he really wasn't looking forward having to interact with other people for hours. He walked back to the table Ashley was at, mainly to say 'goodbye and wish me luck'. When Phil arrived at the table, he was met with a smirking Ashley. "What are you grinning at now?" Phil said with a sigh but a smile playing at his lips. "I saw a certain cute little brown haired boy leave the toilets a few minutes before you." She smiled. "So?" Phil questioned. "So that mean you two where in there together." Ashley winked. "We talked, that's it." Phil said sternly. "Mmm but soon it'll be cheeky butt secks in the toilets..." Ashley said, still smirking. "What the hell Ashley? No!" Phil whisper shouted, but little did he know he was blushing madly. "Nah i'm just playing with ya, but honestly though, you two would be adorable together." Ashley said smiling. "I wish my parents would think that.." Phil mumbled. "Aw you never know Philly, they could be supportive!" Ashley said. "Yeah." Phil said doubtfully.

The rest of Phil's day was talking to Princesses which was uneventful. Ryan that night had to hear Phil rant about all the Princesses, which he sat silently though just nodding and smiling, occasionally giving advice etc.

We all need a Ryan in our lives

(Lmao that sounds like an inspirational quote. I mean, I guess it is.)

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