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"Don't you dare, Jin. Don't you fucking dare." His friend, Jaehwan, glared at him over his noodles. Seokjin gulped. Jaehwan never glares while eating. Jaehwan never glares, at all.

"He's my favorite dongsaeng. I'm his hyung. No more, no less." Jin tried to retort. Emphasis on the tried.

His friend loudly snorted. Jaehwan was never one of extreme sass but if it is a means to stick that piece of information to his friend's thick skull, he doesn't mind using it. He just wants what is best for him.

"I bet you 50 dollars he owns a minimum of a hundred pics of your awkward ass in his phone," he said, pointing his chopsticks towards him.

"Deal." Jin should've really known better than to bite the lure his friend always laid for him.

He opens his phone and smiles at the past conversations he had with his 'best friend'. He heard a scoff opposite of the table, and a whispered "lovestruck idiot.." but he didn't mind.

jin: do u srsly always just stare at me the whole time i cook

jin: from the kitchen door

jin: not speaking even once

tae: it is admiring from afar hyung

jin: more like stalking

tae: :^(

He remembers how shocked he was when he turned around to set the table, expecting all other members asleep, and he almost made the plate fly. Because Taehyung was there by the door, in all his brown bedhead and baby blue wrinkled oversized sweater with longer than his arms sleeves(..wait, wasn't that shirt his?) and fluffy glory. He looked like he was ready to cuddle for a thousand years and Seokjin wouldn't mind spending all his days with his nose buried in such soft heaven.

"'Morning, hyung." and he smiled. Seokjin can just melt right then and there as he feels himself stuffy with the warmth he always feels when he sees the boy. But this time, it must've multiplied at the sight.

The boy was sunshine. Pure fucking sunshine.

Only later, after they ate and he tucked his friend to his bed, with a sleep well forehead kiss, of course, did he wonder why the boy was awake at four in the morning, when only he was awake, stress-cooking.

jin: wth tae with the what? my little pony blanket? i thought better of u

tae: well mario was so decades ago

jin: gasps

jin: u take that back!!!

tae: no hyung u hurt my feelings

Taehyung mumbles in his sleep and Seokjin chuckles at the sight. He got up from the bed and pried away from the younger's strong hold to start his day and make himself coffee. He put his cup down on the living room, jumped on the sofa and rest his head in the armrest and turned the television on.

"..hyung?" he turned around to see his beloved dongsaeng rubbing his eyes and a colorful blanket pooling at his feet. Said boy sat next to him and leaned his weight towards the older. Seokjin unconsciously lifted his arms to accomodate the warmth and draped it over Taehyung. Taehyung covered the both of them with his blanket. He nuzzled his head to the crook of Jin's neck, inhaling him? Jin wasn't sure, and sighed.

His breathing evened out and Seokjin felt the warmth once more, it was weird but it was pleasant. He turned the volume of the television lower and feel himself get drowsy, too.

Only when a grumpy Yoongi made a disgusted noise did the two of them break apart. (Jin may or may not have noticed that Taehyung was staring at him while he was asleep. Jin may or may not have faked being asleep sometime to keep the attention for him a little bit longer.)

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