what really happened

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It was the day.

Taehyung was fidgeting in his seat, applying some BB cream on his cheek. He made sure to look extra good but not too much like he was trying so hard because he worked up all his courage for this. He wanted it to be perfect, cute and innocent. Like me. Taehyung coughs terribly.

He chanted the lines he wanted to say. He made sure to memorize his words and make it as romantic as it can be.(He is confident that it is, indeed, romantic. He had simply shut off his heart to mouth filter and always lunged under his bed covers to muffle his screams in his pillow because oh god how cheesy he was.)

He stood up and gave one last boxy smile towards his reflection before he went out to the living room.

Today was the day.

He will finally confess his massive crush on Seokjin. He was waiting for him to come home.

Earlier, the older had asked him about his secret album and he answered honestly. So now, maybe he would have an inkling about his feelings, right?

Taehyung blows air to his bangs nervously.

He was getting tired of Seokjin's obliviousness to their relationship. He always tried his best to flirt and be abnormally close to him. At some point, he grew afraid Jin would get annoyed with his clinginess but he showed the opposite and, to Taehyung's relief, they became closer than ever.  Taehyung relished in the feeling of new intimacy with Seokjin.

He knows his hyung only labels him as a 'best friend' or a dongsaeng. He willed himself to be contented but he still was unsatisfied with that love and now he would confess once and for all. He knows this might ruin their friendship but if he wanted more, he knew he needed to risk it.

He sat in the living room to wait. He reruns through his plan. It was a good thing all the other members went out, the three rappers went to the studio, Jimin and Jungkook most probably on a date of their own.

First, he greets Seokjin and he would drag him towards the couch. Then he will give him the Toad stuffed toy and the bouquet-he checks the pink roses and plush toy under the coffee table- He confesses. They go out to get ice cream and walk through the city, have the chilly winter air blow away their troubles for a bit, and hopefully share a kiss or two. After that, they would go home with their hands clasped against each other.

It was perfect. Taehyung thinks.

He heard the door's familiar click and his breath hitches. He felt cold beads of sweat run through his back, making him shiver nervously.

It was time.

He stood and went to greet his hyung by the doorstep. Seokjin glanced towards him while placing his shoes neatly on the rack. Taehyung fiddled with his fingers and glanced in every direction except Seokjin's.

"Hey, hyung?" Seokjin hums, letting him know he was listening.

God, Kim Taehyung. Man the fuck up, he grimaced inwardly. He breathes to compose himself.

"Y-you know I told you before you left that I will say s-something..right?" he felt stupid. Why was he acting like this? All his confidence went MIA now of all times but he can't back out now.

Seokjin looked at him expectantly and he bit his lower lip. He reached for his hyung's hand to drag him towards the couch, his first step to his plan. He was certainly not expecting Jin placing a warm hand on his left shoulder, effectively ceasing his movement halfway.

"I know, Tae."

Taehyung's heartbeat was starting to go crazy and maybe he was, too. Holy shit. Seokjin knew. He fucking knew--

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