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tae's birthday celebration is a day early because they wouldn't be able to celebrate it easily on their off days. if you haven't noticed by now, this fic is canon compliant and i try as much as possible to match their actual schedules xD

also I don't get why but ppl still don't understand that the chapter before this one was an april fools joke lol. so that's that. izza joke

this is so poorly written. sorry for the hiatus. unbeta'd  because I wanted to publish this asap, so there are still some parts I am not satisfied with and is subject to change


"Hey. Hey, Taehyung. Wake up," He feels a warm hand on his shoulder, gently pulling him away from his slumber. "Taetae, come on. Wake up," the mellow voice whispers.

Taehyung had always dreaded having to wake up, knowing that it will be another day of no breather. But this soft voice, this comforting presence, makes it all the more bearable.

"Jin hyung?" he opens his eyes in a groan, looking around the dark, unlit room. "Eh? It's..." he glances towards his phone and sees the time. "It's midnight, hyung. Is there anything wrong?"

"Nah. You don't get it?" Seokjin chuckles and Taehyung wonders what he was supposed to get.

"Get what?"

The older grins cheekily. The room was too dark and Taehyung wonders how Seokjin could still be so beautiful.

"We agreed to make it a day earlier, right? Well it's December 29, 2015. 12:03 A.M. Happy Birthday, you dork." Seokjin pulls on Taehyung's nose, hard.

"Ow, Nin hyung! Met go! Hurts!" Taehyung whines at the massive pain. Seokjin lets go of the poor nose and gives the younger's forehead a light kiss.

"Okay, I'm done. Go back to sleep," Seokjin stands. He makes to leave until he feels a gentle tug on his shirt.

"What is it, Tae?" Seokjin faces Taehyung once more to ruffle his bedhead even further.
The younger blinks at him sleepily, "It's..." he slurs, "..You just look like you have something more to say,"

Taehyung sees the obvious hesitation cross Seokjin's visage and he was now even more awake.

"Nah, I don't have anything more to say. What are you talking about? You really need sleep, huh? I'll go now," The older denies quickly and Taehyung desperately holds onto Seokjin's wrist to keep him from escaping.

"Hyung," Taehyung's voice was low and warning, "It's my 'supposed' birthday,"

"Uh, yeah?" Seokjin licks his lips, "I was the one who greeted you first, remember?"

"It's my birthday," Taehyung frowns, "So I can wish for you to tell me whatever's bothering you, right?"

"Taehyung, I--"

"Jin hyung, please."

"Fine," Seokjin sighs, "But I'll say it later, okay?"

Taehyung raises a skeptical eyebrow towards him but nods regardless. "Okay,"

Seokjin smiles at him and tucks him into his My Little Pony blanket.

"Good night, Tae." The older waves before hastily closing the door.

Taehyung continues to frown, this time blankly staring at the ceiling. Truth is, he kinda has a hunch on what's bothering Seokjin.

It was him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2018 ⏰

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