Grocery Flirting 101

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"Are tomatoes fruit or vegetable?" Taehyung points at the red orbs lined up neatly beside the aisle they were walking on, "Why isn't a strawberry a berry?"

"Why can't you be quiet for a moment?" Seokjin asks, tired from the random questions. He forgot to bring his card and he was busy estimating and budgeting his limited cash, his dongsaeng wasn't really helping by being a headache with his mind-blowing questions.

The younger pouts, sulking to himself as his hyung examines the fruit stands. Seokjin had been constantly cold to him after all. He had hoped they got a little bit better after the whole ordeal but Seokjin just kept shutting him off, putting up walls Taehyung is so willing to break. His face lights up when an idea came up to him, rushing to the greens and searching, having an internal celebration when he found what he was looking for and hastily picking it up.

"Hyung," Taehyung calls and the older looks at him. "If you were a vegetable, I bet you would be a cutecumber,"

Taehyung brightly grins at Seokjin, expecting a reaction.

"Taehyung.. sorry to ruin your moment, but that's bitter gourd." the older replies blandly before sighing. He realizes he had more than enough money as of the moment, if not, he could always ask from his radiating sunshine.

"But you gotta admit that was good," said radiating sunshine argues with a small smile on  his face. Seokjin did not fail to notice the determined glimmer in his large eyes and he was confused what it was for. He never saw Taehyung that worked up while grocery shopping before, after all.

Taehyung continues pushing their cart before abruptly stopping, "If you were a tropical fruit, though, you'd be a Fine-apple!"

Seokjin massages the space between his eyebrows, wondering how much more cheesiness he will have to endure.


Which, to Seokjin's horror, is a lot.

"Jin hyung, if you were a chicken," Taehyung pokes Seokjin's side. " You'd be im-peck-able,"

"Taehyung, you didn't," Seokjin replies as he was distracted from reading the price of chicken breast to send Taehyung a tired glare. Did Taehyung memorize a whole website for pick-up lines or something? What the hell. Seokjin swears he almost slapped the younger after he threw at him the notorious, Are you a banana? because I find you very a-peeling.

Thankfully, they were already at Seokjin's last stop of the store (ice cream, it's not like their manager would know) and he could feel Taehyung's chesire smile on his nape as he chooses flavors. "Hyung, what are you doing?" There we go.

Well, maybe sass would work? Seokjin hums, staring at the strawberry cone in his hands in contemplation, "Don't you have eyes?"

"I do," Taehyung nods, "But I can't take them off you, remember?"

Seokjin drops the cone. He exasperatedly picks it up and just gives up making his dongsaeng's attempts stop, "Ice cream. Flavor. Choose." He garbles on and damn it, Seokjin why are you so affected okay no, you aren't affected and no, that wasn't smooth, at all. And it is just too hot in the store, yep. Too hot. Nevermind the air conditioner blasting beside him. It is too hot, damn it. "Which flavor do you want?"

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