Twenty Eight

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Ibrahim POV

It has been the most unbearable and torturing days for me. Since the day Benji told me that she was in hospital I was so furious and angry why? Because he was holding me responsible for her state I did not like it, so I let him explain further.

The more he continued, the more this whole situation got me on edge. I stood up abruptly, walking out of the room It was my fault that she had to go through all that again. I hoped that she was alright.

I told Benji I was going back to my piccola and that night I took a late flight back to New York City.

I didn't go home instead I called Benji and Terrence to meet me out. We met that night and talked about the whole situation them two with Ronda and the petite women Emily, how they want them but the blame was still getting back to me.

I waited a day to go see her, the night I got here I called Mark and he told me that she had been in a really bad state it was between life and death. But thankfully a women was willing to give some of her blood in order to save her.

He told me what he had found when he took the sampling blood from her, and that he would want to speak to me about it maybe it will help Rose out. So I told him that would be another day.

I called Terrence and Benji asking them where the girls leaved, they were kind enough to drive up there. They were nervous surely this girls aren't their usual type, but at the other side I was happy that the girls are really putting them back in their places. When we got there the tension was high, not a word was spoken from me since we left our bachelor crashdown pad. Terrence told us that

' it's not going to be that easy man, because Em is one tough chick '

She opened the door the first word that came out of her mouth was
' what do you want ' i was shocked now Terrence was right. In joined Ronda they wouldn't even let us in, we just stood there

' dumb ass ' Ronda calling Benji that, I had to hold in my laugh. To save them from torture I asked the girls

' is she here '

They told us no, and that we should get lost. I know that they knew where she was but just didn't want to say. We left the place each one of us in our own little world, I didn't know what to do then.

I have been sulking internally like crazy

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I have been sulking internally like crazy. Every night I come home I look around at the solemn silence.

I want her, I need her.... I want to come home to her every night. Seeing her here will make me happy, complete

Matt and Brian told me that I have been harsh, rude with everyone elses at work. I can't help it I am fighting demons every night.

I did not know what love can do to a person, especially when you have found the one that you love. Stupid me, I didn't save her number in my phone damn! I would do anything just to hear that velvet sweet calm voice of hers. I will go spend my nights in a bar till late then come home and sleep.

Today I am holding an important meeting with the headquarters from China. I have been working on this particular project for a good while now, so the team and I need to play the cards right in order to seal the deal.

I sent word to all staff to prepare a banquet party for tonight. The chances are we may win them over if we do then the party goes along if not then that's it regardless of the expenses.

The meeting was a great success I was able to seal that Billion Dollar deal, with the Chinese headquarters that will expand de De Luca Co-operation even more. Time to celebrate only if

you were here with me to congratulate me in person for this big success.

I called Benji, Terrence and Mark informing them of tonight. I know for sure Renetta would be coming, Mark brings his wife everywhere with him great couple I must say. The party was going great, I feel a tap on my shoulder I turned to see Benji and Terrence with the ladies on either side of them what? This is a surprise

" hey man, how are you? Congrats for beating the Eagles " my scotch glass in hand while the other hand in my suit pant pocket. I smiled back

" Thanks man, sure I did. I am on top now " I may be a powerful man but right now I can't say it out loud because that strong woman isn't by my side

" oh yes you are " cuts in Terrence, and came in Mark and his wife we all gathered around then. I feel lonely, jealous I have all it takes for a men but the one woman I need doesn't want me what more should i do?

All other women only wants me for my money. I am sure they don't even know the meaning of love. So i excused myself from everyone, seeing how the ladies were being so affectionate towards their man urgh.

" where are you going man? " Mark asks me

" to meet Greg O'Connor there, I'll be back later " signaling with my head

Clearly that's not what I intended to do. Instead I walked over to the blond woman who has been eye raping me since the night began. I wishpered in her ear seeing her response, I took her hand in mine then we made our way upstairs. I told Patricia I will be upstairs no disturbing.

I need some relief.

Things got heated up quickly as soon as I pushed the door open on the third floor. The moon shone through the open window. Something fell I believe a vase, she pushed me down on the sofa so she can straddle me. We were really into eachother that for an instance I thought I heard my name being called

' Rahim '

I shook it off, my mind is playing games on me. I re-position myself to get a good access of her neck that's when I saw a woman's back

" maid, didn't they tell you that we're busy and that no service needed? " I tell her. The woman on my lap didn't even care still nibbling on my ear

" I have manners, and sure you are busy devouring her face off! " as soon as she turned, water and blood was drained out of my body.

I was terrified and scared. Pushing the woman off of me, making her squeak as she landed on the floor.

" Roseni.... I can.... " she held her hand up stopping me. Her next words shook me to the core, leaving me rooted in place shirtless.

" Save your breath, I regret coming here and having to cross Path with you. Have a good life Rahim "

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