Chapter 5

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"Do you have anything like this, but without the straps? " asked the blushing bride-to-be, pointing to a gown.

"Let me check in the back," Mya replied. She was a top bridal consultant at one of the world's largest boutique, and loved her job. Her sells were through the roof, and she had won the "Top Consultant" award for three consecutive months. She eagerly got ready for work each morning, and reluctantly left the boutique at night. Even though Mya wasn't married, or in a relationship, she always dreamt of how much fun it would be to shop the perfect wedding dress. And with this particular job, she would be a part of making the dream a reality for other women.

She searched through the hundreds of gowns the back room, until she found the right dress for that bride. It was a $4500 strapless, princess cut dress, and it was beautiful. Mya prided herself on finding the fairytale dress for her clients, and this one was another homerun. The bride looked so regal when she tried on the dress, that everyone's eyes filled with tears at the vision. Mya's smile seemed genuine for her client's happiness, but secretly it was for the large commission she would receive.

"Looks like you're trying to hold on to your title for another month" Erin joked with Mya during a break about her Top Consultant award. Erin was the owner of the boutique and didn't usually have a cigarette with the employees. Everyone working there thought she was a little strange. So Mya was surprised when she sat next to her with cigarette in hand.

"Yes ma'am. I plan on holding this title for as long as I can, " Mya responded.

"That's the kind of thing I like to hear. All the staff try to match the dress to the bride. All except you, Mya. You match the bride to the dress. That's why I have chosen you." Erin said as she exhaled a puff of smoke.

"Chosen me for what?"Mya asked confused. She had no idea what Erin babbling about.

"I have gown. It's very special, and I need a special person to sell it," Erin explained. Mya found Erin's conversation odd. After all it was a bridal boutique. That's what they did, sold gowns. But Mya knew she couldn't be rude to her boss, so she kept the thought to herself. "If you can sell this gown, your commission check would be higher than anyone here has ever received," Erin continued.

Mya might have believed Erin was a sandwich short of a picnic, but the commission statement was enough for her to overlook that fact. Therefore, she willing accepted the opportunity from her boss to make more money. Erin instructed Mya to come to her office after work to pick up the dress, and that she was not to tell anyone else. She also told Mya that the dress could not be kept with the rest of the inventory. Mya was to take the dress home every evening, and bring it back to work in the mornings. Mya couldn't believe how ridiculous it all sounded. How was she suppose to carry a dress around everyday, and not have someone ask questions? But she continued to keep her concerns to herself.

Later that evening, Mya did what she was instructed. She waited until everyone left the boutique before she walked to Erin's office to retrieve the dress. She expected Erin to be waiting for her with more encrypted instructions, but she was wrong. The only thing waiting for Mya was a white vinyl  garment bag and an note. She immediately unzipped the bag to see the secret dress. Mya thought it was gorgeous, even though it wasn't a traditional wedding dress. It was pale blue with crystals sewn throughout the gown that made it sparkle. She took it out the bag to get a closer look, and was even more surprised when she saw the back. The words "till death.." was encrusted in black crystals vertically down the back. Mya was thoroughly impressed with the dress uniqueness. She returned the gown back in the garment bag, and opened the note that was left for her.

"I forgot to tell you one important thing. Never try the gown on yourself, or let anyone else try it on, unless they are without a doubt going to buy it! The gown should only be worn by the owner, and absolutely no one else!", it read. Mya chuckled to herself at how crazy the note was. She had never met someone who acted as weird as Erin, and she hoped that she never would. However, she was excited to try to sell the one of a kind gown and receive her bonus. So she swung the bag over her shoulder and put the note in her purse before she walked out of the office.

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