Chapter 6 Alternate Ending

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*****F (again)****

"You'll see when I have her around my arm tomorrow."

"Slow down bro. Baby steps. Don't use all your powers in one day; save some for prom!" Now he's laughing loudly in my ear and its annoying me. I end the call with a new determination to make Antonia fall for me. I can hear Gramps down the hallway, telling Sweet Stuff how much he misses her. If the old guy in the flannel shirt can do it, so can I.


The next day, I try to act as normal as possible even though I'm bursting with anticipation to try out my new gift. I did wink at crazy Mrs. Lewis this morning on the way to school, but she only freaked me out by staring at me. I'm hoping Antonia doesn't have the same reaction. I want to wait for the right moment to approach her, but Marc has been making jokes all day and its beyond annoying. So it's now or never. I see her sitting at her lunch table with some of the other popular girls. I slowly walk up to the table and I can feel a thousand eyes watching me. Two of them I know belongs to Marc. I don't know which move I should use. When I practiced in the mirror last night, I went through all the basics. The wink. The smile. The nod. The stare ( which I think Tyra refers to as "smizing"), but I don't know which one works for me.

I'm standing maybe three feet away from her now, and my heart is beating rapidly inside my chest. She looks at me as does everyone else at her table. My throat is dry and incapable of forming any words. So I raise my arms, smile, nod, and wink at her. Yup, I went for the trifecta. The cafeteria is now silent. I thought I felt like everyone eyes were on me before, but now I know they are. Antonia doesn't respond. She joins the rest of the girls at the table in staring at me. The look in their eyes seems familiar to me. I think of Mrs. Lewis this morning.  Suddenly Antonia stands up and kisses me on my mouth. Her lips are as soft as I always imagined they would be. I am in total shock, and from looking at Marc, I can see that he is too. The only thing I can think is, "Thanks Gramps". Then another girl stands up and kisses me on the lips. Ok, now I'm confused.  Antonia turns her attention to her friend a slaps her across the face. She then yanks my arm and pulls me closer to her.

I feel a tug on my shirt. It's Sarah Jones, the senior class president, and she's got her lips puckered to kiss me. I move my head out the line of fire. Suddenly there are dozen of hands all over me. I look around and see every girl in the cafeteria pawing at me. This is not what I expected and I'm beginning to feel overwhelmed. I can feel hands ripping my shirt off my back. I was always raised never to hit a girl, but these hoes are pushing it. There are what seems like a hundred girl faces surrounding me. They grab and pull on me in all directions. I feel nails ripping into the skin on my arms, chest and back.  Next, I feel a breeze  on my legs. They have torn my jeans off my legs! Do you know how much force you have to use to rip jeans off a person? I'm scared now, and with all these people around me, its getting hard to breath. I'm pulled to the floor, and I can't get up. I scream with pain as I see chunks of my flesh being torn from my shoulder by Ms. Bunn, the lunch lady. Blood covers my left side, but it doesn't stop the attack. The girls are in a frenzy and continue to pull at me. There's a loud cracking sound and pain radiates through my body. One of these girls just dislocated my leg. I cry out for someone to help my, but my words didn't go far. Sarah presses her lips against mine and stops my cry. As a matter of fact, my cry wasn't the only thing she stopped. She wont get off of me and I can't breath! I begin to panic as I struggle for a breath. God please help me. I wonder if this is how my father died. I still feel my body being ripped and snatched by other girls as I drift into Blackness.

****F is for Females****

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