The show

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As soon as I reached , I saw April waving at me. I waved back. I went to her. She said," You're here!!!" We hugged. & I said," So what did I miss?" She replied," The jokers just arrived. You didn't miss anything."
Then the show started & I saw four men with microphones. I soon recognised them. They were the famous personalities who were staying at our hotel. They all looked so charming. The person who was sobbing earlier at the hotel room was completely changed. He was cracking the funniest jokes ever. I laughed my ass off. His name was Q. I remembered only his name because it was easy to do so, a one word letter. Others were funny as hell. It was quite a night. I enjoyed it. April wanted to stay but I had university the next day, then work. I had to rest. So I came back, had dinner by myself, then fixed my bed & finally went off to sleep. I fell asleep soon.

Hey guys, hope u like my story. I know my story is a shitty one. Please try to tolerate it.

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