The next day

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The next day I woke up, freshened up & had my breakfast. Then I set out for the university. After attending all the classes, I spent some time studying. & after that I got ready for my job. This was usually my schedule.
As I entered the Vanderbilt, Cynthia, another waitress & a good friend of mine rushed towards me. She said screaming , " You have to do me a favour. I have a date tonight with Mark & I think I'll get proposed tonight. & for that to happen you have to take over my shift". I said, "Wow. That's great news. Ummm, okay I'll do it. You owe me one." She replied happily," Thank you soo much. You rock." She left. I started working.

Two hours later

Four people stormed in through the door. They were the people whom April called the 'jokers'. The guy called Q was laughing that day. He looks cute when he smiles I thought to myself. Suddenly his eyes met mine when I realised that I had been staring at him. Noticing that he smiled at me. I smiled back. Then I engaged myself in my work. After sometimes I had to take room service to the room 101. It was that guy, Q's room. I was afraid thinking what if he shouts at me again like he did before. I knocked at the door. He said,"Come in. It's open." I entered. Placed the tray on the table. He said, "Thank you." I said,"You're welcome, Sir." Then I turned backwards preparing to walk away when he stopped me & said,"Hey, I'm sorry about the other day. I was terribly depressed & I don't handle depression well. I didn't mean to shout at you like that. I'm extremely sorry." I replied,"Don't worry about that Sir. That's not new to me. I get that a lot." I then added,"Enjoy your dinner Sir."

I know I'm talking about myself a lot but I promise I'll get to the good part soon.

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