Stalker Alert! (Part 2)

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We came back in Q's house. I asked the guys to let me stay for a few minutes there. 'I was so rude to him', I started to think. The rest of the guys said they needed to take off because they had some real important paperwork left. But it wasn't paperwork. They were so upset entering into Q's house. They gave me the keys & left. I was all alone in Q's sitting room. I sat on the couch. I started having these inside conversations with myself about how badly I treated Q. I ignored him. I didn't talk to him. I went back to the time of wedding. He never said he loved me. He committed nothing to me. I was the crazy one in love. Why would he ever fall for me? After all I was a case of charity. It was because of him I got the job in a TV channel. He had introduced me with one of his close friends who was working for that channel. Why would he ever think of me as a girl worthy of his love? I sighed. I looked at his comic books, video games. Everything reminded of him. Then I thought, "What the hell am I doing? He's missing. Not dead." I solemnly promised to myself that I was going to rescue him. I will put my effort into finding him. "It'll be helpful to the investigation." , I thought.

I started to retrace the steps. Q was last seen by the guys at his house according to what Murr said to me. They were returning from a shoot. Then Sal called him at 6:30. From 7 he went missing. I thought to myself,"There's a pretty good chance that the kidnap happened in his house. No sign of breaking & entering. From what I came to know from the cops that it was an inside job. Apart from the guys & his parents, no one had the keys to Q's house. So probably Q himself invited somebody in his house, he let somebody in. Now a thought popped into my head. "If somebody comes into Q's house, Q himself opens the door & then lets the person close it. So if someone entered into his house, there would be a pretty good chance that his or her fingerprints would still be on the door somewhere." As soon as I realised this, I felt as if I was close to saving Q. I felt joy. I had a friend in the forensic department. I had him come over. He got the prints. He said to me," We shouldn't do this. You should call the precinct." I told him,"Freddie, I don't have much time. Don't forget you owed me one. Here are the fingerprints of the guys I know." I gave him a mug, a glass & a beer bottle that had prints of Joe, Murr & Sal & also the bowl used by the Quinns. I also gave him my fingerprints. He reluctantly agreed to my terms.

Within 10 minutes of his departure, he informed me that he had run tests on the fingerprints. He said that all of them "match but one doesn't."

@@@@@hope you're liking my story @@@@@@

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2016 ⏰

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