And So It Begins

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*WARNING: THERE WILL BE A SEX SCENE IN THIS CHAPTER* (be nice please it is my first time writing a sex scene)

-Time skip of another month (Warped Tour is almost over)-

From the moment we decided to take things slow things were indeed going slow. But I was okay with that. Honestly I have the feeling that I'm falling for him but not sure how to take things yet. I'd have to talk to Zella about it.

Speaking of Zella, she seems a little off lately. It might be because her and Jaime weren't together anymore. I'm not sure. They had literally just told us about a month ago that they were done. I could honestly tell you that I think something happened that made Zel hurt and Jaime feel guilty because every time he's with his new girl you can see him send Zel guilty looks. She just looks away from him. I don't know what I'm going to do with those two. I sighed I need to stop thinking such depressing things.

Suddenly my phone rang. I looked and the screen and got a big smile on my face. Just as all this happened Tony, Vic and Zel came into the room. They seen my face and rolled their eyes.

"One guess who guys!" Vic said laughing.

"But of course," Zel said with a smirk "it's her...."

"Lover boy!" Tony finished for her.

They all started laughing. I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at them.

"It's Ricky, not Balz you jackasses." I grumbled at them.

They just laughed harder. I flipped them the bird and answered my phone right after that. They just kept laughing at me as I walked away.

-Phone conversation-


"Hey Jinx want to come hang today? Balz misses you!"

I giggled.

"Sure he does. He hasn't texted me all day. I mean all of you have but he hasn't. Not yet anyways." (I'm sure I sound sad and pathetic to him, oh god I need to get a grip.)

"Huh, that's weird."

"Oh I don't know. It's been kinda normal for me."

"Not for us. This is news to me at least."

I sighed.

"Look just come over and we'll talk and try to cheer you up. What do you say?"

I hesitated.

"You can bring Zel, Chris misses her."

I giggled.

"Alright. We'll be right over."

"See you soon Jinx."

-End of conversations-

I shook my head at their new nickname for me. I'm not sure why but they had just decided one day that, that name was perfect for me and ever since then it stuck. I've gotten so used to it that I don't even hesitate to answer to it. Weird huh? But it made me feel like part of their family.

I walked back to my bunk got some clothes to wear and quickly went and changed in the bathroom. I knew I had to look good because if I know the boys, they're going to want to throw a last minute party. I finished and did a quick check to make sure I looked okay. I walked out and looked at Zel.

"Zel get ready, Ricky and them want us to come over." I said with a small smirk.

She rolled her eyes.

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