Squidgy? Of Mice & Men and All Time Low? What?

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We looked at the guy in total confusion and he laughed.

"Squidgy is the squid you're holding in your hands!" He said smiling.

We both giggled nervously and smiled at him. He really should stop smiling, he has to know what that thing does to girls. 

"So this," I said gesturing to the squid in my hands "is Squidgy?"

He nodded his head and I squealed.

"That is so cute!" I said giggling and handing it back to him.

"Thanks!" The guy said giving me an extra cute smile. "You didn't happen to find a phone too did you?"

Well hello weapon of mass destruction...that smile could either kill or just make a girl's panties drop instantly.

Zel and I looked at each other, blushed and sighed when she handed him the phone.

"You mean this?" She asked.

"Yeah! Thanks, my name's Austin Carlile," He said holding out his hand for one of us to shake "What are your names?"

I smiled at him and shook his hand. He was way too damn attractive.

"I'm Sally Perry and this is my best friend Zella Philips!" I said pointing to myself and then her.

He nodded and smiled. 

"Hey wait is your brother Tony Perry?" He asked.

I blushed, giggled and nodded. He laughed at me and smiled.

"So you guys came here with Pierce the Veil for Warped then?" He asked.

"Yeah we're going to be here with them the entire time!" Zel said.

"That's great! You two should come meet the rest of my band!" He said excitedly.

Zel and I looked at each other and shrugged.

"Why not?" I said smiling.

"Great!" Austin said excited "Let's go!"

We walked back towards the buses and stopped in front of the one that had Of Mice & Men written on the side of it. I instantly turned to him and smiled.

"Oh!" I exclaimed "I love this band!"

Austin instantly laughed, so I raised my eyebrow at him.

"I'm the lead singer!" He said laughing.

I stared at him in shock.

"I knew you looked familiar!" I yelled excitedly while pointing at him.

He laughed at me and winked.

"Yeah, wanna meet the rest of us now?" He asked with a smirk.

Zel and I nodded eagerly at him. He stepped between us, wrapped an arm around each of us and lead us onto the bus and introduced us to Alan, Aaron, Tino and Phil. We were there for roughly an hour when we heard a knock on the door. Alan, Austin and I had been talking about cats while Zel was with Aaron, Tino and Phil playing a game at the back of the bus. Austin got up and opened the door when we heard the knock. I looked at Alan in confusion and both of us watched Austin open the door.

"Hey you didn't happen to see two short girls with black hair wearing tank tops, black shorts and vans, walking around outside, did you?" I heard a familiar voice ask.

"Kellin!" I shouted excitedly.

I popped up behind Austin and launched myself in his arms. He sighed in relief and hugged me back.

"Your brother is going crazy with worry wondering where you are Sal!" He said laughing.

I pulled back and rolled my eyes at him. I wrinkled my nose and put my hands on my hips.

"He's such an old woman about some things!" I exclaimed.

Austin, Kellin, and Alan laughed at me.

"Come on!" Kellin said laughing "They want you meet some guys!" 

I laughed and nodded.

"Zella!" I yelled "Come on, Kellin is here to take us back to grandma again!"

I instantly heard lots of laughter as a response and watched Zel walk out of the back room with Aaron, Phil and Tino. 

"Tony is such a grandma sometimes with worrying about us!" Zel said laughing.

We both rolled our eyes and smiled at each other.

"I know!" I said with a small smirk "He treats us like we're kids!"

"Yeah, I mean we're old enough to drink!" Zel said to me, giving me a wink.

"Okay, you two! In his defense you guys do look like you're sixteen." Kellin said chuckling "Now let's go!"

Zel and I shook our heads and shushed him. He chuckled and turned to look the others.

"Tony said you guys should come over by the way!" he said "He wanted you guys to meet Sally and Zella but it seems you already have!"

"I'm always one step ahead!" I said laughing and smiling.

We left the bus and headed back to ours, when we got there I seen the rest of the boys from Sleeping With Sirens, four strangers and my boys standing around or lounging in chairs outside our bus. I quickly ran up and said hello to them all. I turned around to ask where Tony was but he stepped off thee bus before I could even open my mouth. As soon as he seen Zel and I he rushed to us with a concerned look on his face.

"Where were you guys?" He asked worriedly.

We giggled at him and gave him a quick hug.

"Calm down Tone!" I said smiling and patting his cheek "We were with Austin and the rest of Of Mice & Men!" 

Zella just rolled her eyes at him and smiled.

"We were perfectly safe!" She stated calmly.

Tony just sighed and shook his head. 

"I want you two to meet the boys from All Time Low!" He said.

He turned and gestured over to where Mike and Vic were and I smiled. He took us over to them and introduced us to Alex, Jack, Zack and Rian. We smiled at them and said hello. I leaned over to Zella, putting my mouth right next to her ear and whispered "I have a feeling that we are going to have the best Warped Tour ever!" 

She smiled at me, nodded and then we both giggled quietly and kept talking to the boys. 

What could possibly go wrong?


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