Making Up....

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-Time skip: 2 weeks-

I was waiting patiently for Zel to get done getting ready so that me and her could go hang with Kellin, the rest of SWS, Jaime, Vic and Mike. We were going to wait with them until Alysha, Erin and Danielle (Vic's girlfriend) to get here. None of us had talked to Tony since the incident two weeks ago. I sighed sadly. I missed talking to my brother but I wasn't about to forgive him for what he said and did. He definitely crossed the line. I knew once Erin found out what he did she would be pissed. She always yelled at him when he was even the slightest bit mad at me. I knew she would be pissed when she found out about what happened 2 weeks ago. 

I was staring off into space thinking about my brother and how much I missed the old him. He started getting so angry the past couple of months. I don't know why. I was really starting to get worried about him. I was sitting there for about ten minutes in the same spot staring at the wall. In that time Zel had come out of the bathroom. 

"Sally!" Zel yelled at me waving her hand in front of my face.

I jumped. I didn't even know she had been trying to get my attention.

"Sorry!" I said smiling apologetically.

Zel smiled at me reassuringly.

"Tony?" She asked sitting down by me.

I nodded and smiled sadly.

"I miss him Zel," I said sighing sadly "even after everything he said to us, I really miss him."

Zel nodded.

"I know Sal," She said sadly "he's still your brother no matter what he does and you'll always love him!"

I nodded at her. I was starting to get all teary eyed. I sniffled a little bit.

"I just wish I knew why he's been getting so angry lately!" I said.

Zel sighed and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Me too Sal," She said quietly "me too!"

We sat there in silence for a little bit. We stayed like that for about twenty minutes. Vic, Mike, Jaime, Austin and Kellin walked in and noticed us sitting there sadly staring off into space. Mike placed his hand on my shoulder gently. I jumped a little bit. I looked up at them. They were looking at me worriedly.

"Hey!" He said softly "Why the long face?"

I smiled at them sadly. 

"Sal?" Vic asked quietly.

I just sighed.

"It's Tony, isn't it?" Mike asked.

Tears started gathering in my eyes again. I nodded and let out a little sob. Mike sat down and gathered me into his arms. I started crying more. This really sucked. I just wanted my brother back. Just then Tony walked onto the bus. I looked up at him. He seen my tears and immediately got worried.

"Sal!" He cried rushing over to me. 

Mike tightened his hold on me a little bit and I patted his arm reassuringly. Tony reached up and started wiping my tears away.

"What's wrong?" He asked quietly "Why are you crying?"

I glared at him a little bit.

"Really Tony?" I asked angrily "My brother, who is supposed to love and protect me, basically called my best friend and I whores. He hurt the feelings of all his friends. Oh! Not to mention he's been getting really angry lately and I don't fucking know why!"

He had the decency to look ashamed. He sighed.

"I know..." He said quietly. 

"What's been going on Tone?" Vic asked softly.

Tony looked at everyone and just shook his head.

"Honestly?" He asked.

We all nodded.

"We want to know Tone," Jaime said "otherwise we wouldn't ask!"

Tony sighed.

"It's just..." He looked at me and Zella "I feel like I'm losing you two."

Zel and I looked at each other in confusion.

"What?" We both asked shocked "Why?"

Tony smiled sadly at us. 

"You guys aren't the younger girls I looked after all the time." He stated "You won't need me to protect you anymore, it's like I'm not of any use to you guys anymore..."

We looked at him completely shocked.

"Besides, neither of you could trust me enough to tell me about what you had with Mike and Jaime..." He said sadly "I'm not the person you tell everything to anymore and that really hurts...I guess it just hurt so much that I got angry....and in the end I took it out on all of you."

I shook my head.

"No!" I yelled holding back tears "You're my brother! I'll always need you to protect me! I love you more than you'll ever know!" 

"She's right..." Zel said quietly.

I grabbed one of his hands and Zel grabbed the other.

"We only didn't tell you about Mike and Jaime because we didn't want you to overreact," I said quietly "we know you Tone. Worse part about it is that you did sort of overreact, but you're my big brother and you're supposed to overreact about that stuff! You're right we should of told you about them from the beginning!"

"We're sorry Tone!" Zel said quietly "It won't happen again!"

Tony smiled at us.

"Nah, I'm the one that should be sorry!" He said "Forgive me?"

Zel and I smiled at him.

"Of course!" We laughed.

"I love you guys!" He said smiling.

"We love you too Tone!" I said laughing.

We both hugged him. He looked at the guys.

"Can you guys forgive me for being an ass?" He asked.

The guys looked at each other.

"Yeah..."Jaime said.

"I guess we can..." Mike said.

Vic, Kellin and Austin just smiled at him.

"Dude, you're forgiven!" Vic said laughing.

Kellin and Austin nodded in agreement. Tony smiled at them and then looked at Mike and Jaime.

"I really want to apologize to both of you..." Tony said quietly "What I said and did to both of you was wrong...It's just that Sally is my little sister and Zella is like a little sister to me too, I just get so overprotective of them!"

Mike and Jaime nodded.

"We understand dude," Jaime said smiling a little "and I forgive you!"

Tony smiled at him and looked at Mike. Mike just stared at him a little bit.

"Does this mean we can go back to being friends again?" He asked "Because honestly I don't want to get punched anymore!"

Everyone laughed.

"Yeah," Tony said smiling "it means we can go back to being friends again!"

Mike nodded and bumped fists with Tony. I rolled my eyes.


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