Goodbye Part I

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-Time skip to the last couple of days of Warped Tour-

The last couple of months had been great for me. My relationship with Balz went on to the point that were were together all the time. We never went a day without seeing each other. Since our one night of passion we had a couple others and of course they were as amazing as the first but they would never be as special as the first time. It might always be like that though. Who knows?

As I was sitting there staring out the window, Zel came and sat next to me. She stared at me for a moment before finally saying something.

"It's going to suck leaving all this behind." She said sadly.

I looked at her and just stared at her. I honestly didn't want to think about the fact that in two days we would be going home for the first time in months. I didn't want to think about the fact that I'd lose a lot after I just got it. I felt tears come in my eyes. I didn't want this to end.

"Zel, I don't want to go" I whispered " I don't....I just..."

I started crying before even realizing it. I just suddenly felt the tears running down my face. Then I just couldn't hold anything back. I started crying hard. Zel panicked and hugged me to try to comfort me.

"Oh my god Sal," she said worriedly "what's going on?"

"I..." I held back a sob "I cant..."

"Sal," she said forcing me to look at her "you're my best friend, my sister, my other half and I hate seeing you like this. Tell me what's been going on. I know you've been keeping something from me."

I tried calming down and let out a shuttered sigh.

"I'm in love with him Zel, and we're going to go back home and..." I choked back a sob "and I'm going to lose him....I just know it....I can feel it."

"Sal you're crazy! That guy is crazy about you and you should know that!" She said scolding me "I doubt anything would tear you guys apart."

"Zel, you don't's one of those of the ones that we used to call 'gut feelings' but they actually come true and my 'gut feelings' don't." I looked down at the table. "I can't stand it and I know he's going to text to come hang soon and I can't go over there and know that soon I'll have to say good-bye."

Zel was at a loss of words, I could tell. She just held me.

"All I can say is that IF that does happen I'll be there for you." She said emphasizing the 'if' "Everyone will be. Maybe you should talk to the boys about it?"

I nodded and waited for a text I knew would be coming soon. In the mean time I calmed down and sat with Zel. Neither of us said anything and we didn't need to. We were just silently supporting each other.

After about two minutes my phone signaled that I had a text. I looked at Zel and she gave me a sad smile. I checked my phone and I really shouldn't have been worried because it was Ghost. I told him to call real fast. A couple minutes later my phone rang. I answered it quickly.

-Phone conversation-

'Hey Ghostie'

'Jinxy, what's up buttercup?'

I sighed.

'Jinx, seriously what's up?'



'You almost never call me that unless it's something serious. You're worrying me now. What's going on?'

'I need your advice...actually I need everyone's advice.'

More silence.

'Come over now, don't go anywhere else you and Zella come over right now okay? I'll get the guys and make sure they're all here.'

Product of LustOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora