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After a month of being home the boys had another tour to go on. Zel and I decided we would join them. The only strange thing was that I continued being sick. Every morning like clockwork I threw up. I didn't know what was going on. I guess I was in some serious denial.

-A week before the new tour-

"Sal, did you ever think that you're pregnant?" Zel asked me one day.

I looked at her ready to deny it but, I couldn't. I honestly didn't know. We were at Kellin's house playing with Copeland. I wanted to ask Kellin's wife but she had already told me she thought I was pregnant when I first walked in. She had told me I looked different from the last time she seen me.

I guess she was right. I had gained some weight. Everyone was always commenting on how I glowed. I started getting scared. I gave Zel a panicked look.

"Sal, when was the last time you had your period?" she asked.

I thought about it and then choked. It suddenly dawned on me. I hadn't missed one period but now I had missed two. It had been exactly two months since my last period. I looked at her and my face was completely void of any color.

"Two months ago." I said "Almost a week before Balz and I first slept together."

"Sal, I knew it! You're pregnant! We have to get you a test!" Zel exclaimed.

I sat in stunned silence while Zel ran to see if Kellin's wife had one. She had one, of course. We went into the bathroom. I peed on the stick and then we waited. After the 2 minutes were up I glanced at Zel. I was too scared to move but forced myself to look. There it was glaringly obvious was a pink little plus sign.

After we left Kellin's house. We scheduled me an appointment with my doctor the next day. I was scared to find out if it was true. I still had the test. I had taken a picture of it just in case but still put it in a plastic baggie and stuck it in my purse. I couldn't handle the wait at first but finally around 3 am I fell into a fitful sleep.

Since my doctor's appointment was at 9am the next morning, I felt like crap waking up. I sat in the waiting room for 20 minutes until they called me back. I was scared shitless. I explained what was going on so they did a test there. It also said positive. They then made sure to draw blood and try other ways too.

The doctor told me that it would take a couple weeks because they were backed up but they would get in contact with me with the results as soon as possible. I left the doctor's office and while driving away I called Zel using my Bluetooth. I explained to her what happened.

-Part of the phone conversation-

'Zel...I'm scared.'

'I understand, but mind explaining why?'


'Well come on Sal, really? You've always wanted to be a mom. Not to mention you're in love with the father. That's all great things!'

I sighed.

'I know Zel, I'm just....I don't know what he'll say.'

She sighed.

'I know Sal.'

I suddenly groaned.


'What is Tone going to say? Oh my god Zel, he's going to hate me!'

'I doubt he could ever hate you Sal, he might hate Balz but never you.'

I sighed.

'I won't know for a couple weeks though.'

'I know'

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