Chapter 24

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It's been almost two months since Ben and I first got together. And every single moment has been amazing and unique. We haven't always agreed on everything, but I have no regrets - none whatsoever. That's one thing he's taught me - regrets only slow you down. Maybe your past affects who you are, but what you choose to do in the present affects who you turn out to be. It isn't easy to change who you are (it isn't even easy to decide who you want to be) but if you really want it enough it will happen, the future is never certain.

Our relationship is going strong though, I've met his dad. He's everything that Ben talked him up to be. When we have the odd dinner together, it honestly feels like we're a family, like I belong. I already kind of think of them as my parents in law. He hasn't officially moved in or anything, we both know we're too young for that. We also know it's a bit too soon, we need to get to know each other a lot more before that happens. But there's a drawer saved for him in my dressing table and some clothes hangers with his shirts on in my wardrobe.

We're together nearly every day, and he's over here sometimes three nights a week. Just holding me. I haven't had a bad nightmare since this routine has started. Partly I think it's because I've learnt to let go of my past. I've chosen not to let it define me. I'm nowhere near perfect, I still have my bad days. But now I have good days too. And every second of the good days are worth ten of the bad ones. Mostly though, it's because of my very own guardian angel.

So now I have everything to lose, but I knew that when I got into this relationship. Every ounce of happiness has a risk attached to it. Sometimes you need to stop and weigh the risks up. But if the downside is returning to a place you've already survived, then you know there's a chance of bouncing back up again.

I know that eventually Ben and I will separate ways. We'll either decide we're too different, or be pulled apart by duty or death. Something always separates couples. But you can't let that rule your decisions. Because death is everywhere, it's happening every second on Earth. It's a part of growing up, dealing with the loss of someone you know.

It's stupid to be afraid of the inevitable. Immortality doesn't exist, we'll all return to the ground one day. But until that day happens, all we can do is live in the moment. Every second, every minute of every day decides a path your life will lead. I've seen death first hand, and while she wasn't a pleasant person, you still must mourn and move on. If you live every day in fear of dying, then it is not much of a life at all. At the worst times, I've even considered it, but now I am waiting. You cannot control death, it chooses you. So don't waste time thinking what if. Don't fear your untimely demise. Simply accept that things are what they are.

My name is Reegan Alexander. I'm 16 years old, very close to 17. Six of those years I was beaten, knowing I could die any day. So let me be clear. I do not fear death and I never will.

A/N I actually am sad to have the story end, do authors always feel like this? I hope you guys liked the ending. If you enjoyed this story then please vote to make it more known. I haven't really planned my next story, I don't know if there will be one. I considered a sequel to this story but I don't think there'd be much to write about. So this is it I guess, you guys are fantastic. :)

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