Chapter 32

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Several hours passed while Darek mourned alone in the bedroom closet. His head hurt partly from crying and partly from coming out of that damned dream state. The remains of Sean were held in Darek's upright casket.

The silver stake had been removed and placed at his feet. The tissues of the corpse had become as dry and frail as autumn leaves. What actually had happened to cause this horrific accident was slightly hazy in his mind. He was sure, however, that he was at fault.

Last, but not least, he had failed Gerald too. The ring had been lost to Vintessa and now she would rightfully claim Saith Manor and its fortune. Well, he thought, if she can take it from me, I can take it back! He kissed Sean and sealed the casket forever. If he didn't survive this night, he would never need it anyway. He would at least even the score by causing Vintessa's death... if it is the last thing I do, he concluded.

He left the closet, determined to finish what he set out to do. Marsta stood, waiting patiently, near the bed. Understanding crossed her face.

"You can't stop me," he challenged.

"I wouldn't think of it," she admitted.

"Good," he was satisfied. "Before I leave, answer one question?"

She nodded.

"Why were they fighting in the first place?"

"Sean accused Mark of taking you away from him. But the big reason was because he found out that Mark had become and informant for the E.H.S.B.," she explained.

Darek stared in disbelief. Now it all made sense about how they kept finding him. And Garrick?"

"Garrick didn't know anything about it," she reassured. "And the hunters are working for Vintessa also. She hired them to divert attention away from she and her family."

Darek smiled, "So Rudy is working for vampires and he doesn't even know it."

She nodded.

"Stay here with Garrick and give this to Mark," he handed her a wallet. "So that he can go home." He went into the living room.

Mark sat in the easy chair. His arm was in a sling. As Darek crossed the room to leave through the balcony, he said to Mark, "We can't live around each other."

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Upon reaching Saith Manor, he went to the cellar doors and misted under them. Solidifying, "Should have guessed." The cellar he stood in had been changed into a dungeon. He blocked all of his sixth senses. Hoping that they couldn't sense him if he couldn't detect them.

Cautiously he made his way up the creaking wooden staircase that lead up the brick wall. It was blackened and covered with cobwebs, like the inside of an ancient chimney.

The doorknob was cold, metal, and unlocked. He opened it slowly and peered into the darkened empty pantry. Closing the door, he made his way into what is still the kitchen. It's only user must be the daytime watcher, he reasoned.

He crept into a long hallway. Still life portraits hung on the walls. He imagined Gerald standing here alone, pondering their significance. He always thought of Gerald being alone before he came along. Now he wondered, had he been?

Concentrating on why he was here, he continued. He knew where she would be. Nowhere else but her sacred bedroom. Carefully, he made his way up the first flight of stairs. Floating across the landing to the other set, he was grabbed at the throat by Sintin. Another vampire of great beauty.

The longhaired blond briefly let Darek face him. He hissed and tossed the trespasser over the railing. The floor stopping his fall, forced out all the air lingering in his lungs. He looked up and saw Sintin fall upon him like a lead kite.

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